Canvas LMS: Enhanced “Assign To” Feature Upgrade

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Greetings FAU Family!

The Instructional Technologies team is proud to share some good news regarding a new feature in Canvas: the “Assign To” feature.

The “Assign To” re-design in Canvas is a game-changer for both instructors and students. It allows instructors to assign specific students or sections to ungraded pages, modules, discussions, and quizzes. Whether you’re accommodating various time zones or providing extra time for specific learners, this feature puts you in control of your coursework flow, and creates a more dynamic and adaptive learning environment for students. We highly encourage you to leverage this new feature when it becomes available in Canvas on July 20th, 2024.

It also includes a new tray format, making it easier to manage due dates and availability dates and allowing instructors to customize assignment availability for different groups of students in one simple menu.

Instructors can also differentiate pages as well as manage availability dates in the Assign To tray. 

Benefits for Instructors:

  • Streamlined Workflow: Quickly manage and differentiate instruction without navigating multiple pages
  • Improved Differentiation: Tailor assignments and discussions to meet individual student needs, enhancing personalized learning.

Benefits for Students:

  • Focused Learning: Receive assignments and discussions that are specifically tailored to their learning needs.
  • Clear Visibility: Easily see which assignments are due and when, helping to manage their workload effectively.
And, as always

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