Lockdown Browser – Imported Quizzes Error

Posted on Posted in Bug Fix, Lockdown Browser/Respondus, Quick How-To

Instructors who import or copy Lockdown-Browser-enabled quizzes in Canvas may experience an error that prevents their students from taking an assessment. The error can also be caused by adjusting the name or other details of a Canvas quiz that is already set to work with Lockdown Browser. To prevent this from happening, make sure to click the Lockdown Browser link in your Canvas course after importing/changing your Lockdown Browser assessments. Below are resources and details to assist with this issue.

What Does It Look Like?

This issue appears as an error message on the student side when attempt to start a quiz. Depending on their operating system and the cause of the error, it usually looks something like the samples below:

  • “Error: unable to continue. Exam title indicates a webcam must be used, but the course is unknown to our system.”
  • “There is a problem with the LockDown Browser settings for this exam”
  • “Exam title states a webcam must be used, but the exam settings don’t indicate its selected”

How to Resolve

The main solution to this is to click the Lockdown Browser link within the navigation menu in your course. Usually, this resolves the entire issue. However, to be on the safe side after importing or editing quizzes, use the following steps to ensure your course is clear of this error:

  1. Click your imported assessment(s) and preview to make sure that the contents imported successfully.
  2. Click the Lockdown Browser link in the navigation menu for your course.
  3. You should now see a message stating that your settings have been updated. Close the message by clicking the X in the top-right corner of the popup. If the message doesn’t appear, continue to the next step.
  4. You may see buttons labeled “Fix It” appearing to the right of the title of your assessments. If you see any of these buttons, click them to resolve the issue.

For more information on this issue, view this step-by-step document from our resource library.

We hope this tutorial assists you in dealing with Lockdown Browser issues. If you are still having trouble, please reach out to both our team as well as Respondus Support. Use the Lockdown Browser help request from our Help Desk to get in touch with our team. To reach out to Respondus Support, submit a ticket on their support site.