Welcome Back!


By Josette Valenza, LLS Jupiter Director


Welcome back to the FAU Lifelong Learning Society!  If you are a new member, we’re delighted to have you join us!

It’s going to be an enjoyable and stimulating fall semester!  The 21 courses and 21 lectures that Lifelong Learning will offer begin on Monday, October 10.  Through our courses, seasoned learners are encouraged to explore where they are at this juncture in their lives. Our offerings are intellectually challenging, psychologically probing and spiritually engaging.

There are many plans in the making for this year, as we will be celebrating our 20th anniversary starting in January. I encourage you to sign up for our weekly email newsletter, “Interactions,” so that you do not miss out on any new programs or events that are not listed in our catalog. If you do not already receive our weekly emails, you can register by clicking on this link http://www.fau.edu/llsjupiter/newsletter_signup.php. Lifelong Learning is also embarking on a new endeavor this semester-electronic ticketing– so we want to make sure you are well informed. Below are tips to help you with this new transition:

·        If you are an annual LLS member, you should have received your PERMANENT LLS Jupiter membership card this past summer. Entrance to all classes requires you to present your card. A screen, which will be monitored by our LLS greeters, will show that you checked in for your registered class. Please don’t forget your card at home! If you do leave your card at home, we can check you in through the class roster. Having your member card to check in will make the process go more quickly for you.

·        If you lose your membership card, you will need to request a replacement card for $15. If you are an annual member and have not received your membership card, please contact the LLS office at 561-799-8667.

·        If you purchase multiple tickets for a one-day event, you will receive an email with an attachment containing your guest tickets. You can print and distribute these tickets to your guests. Each guest ticket can only be checked in once. Alternatively, you may check in your guests using your membership card. You will need to scan your card with our LLS Class Greeter as many times as the number of guest tickets you purchased. When checking in with your card for multiple purchases, guests must be present.

·        To ensure that you receive receipts of your class registrations and guest tickets, please keep your E-MAIL address current in our registration system. If you need to update your email address, please contact the front desk at 561-799-8547.

Looking ahead, mark your calendars for our New Member Orientation, which will be held on Thursday, January 5 at 2 p.m. in our auditorium. Existing members are also welcome to attend.  This is a great opportunity to meet other new members and learn about the variety of courses, lectures, social events, and other benefits of your membership at LLS. On behalf of the staff, we hope you’ve had a great summer.  We can’t wait to see everyone!

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