Each year, the FAU Lifelong Learning Society in Jupiter hosts the LUNAFEST® film festival. This event is a traveling film festival of award-winning short films by, for and about women. This season, the program of nine films – filled with stories of reflection, hope and humor – will travel to over 175 cities and screen in front of 25,000 people. Each year, various organizations bring LUNAFESTs to their communities and raise funds for their local non-profits as well as the main beneficiary – Breast Cancer Fund.
On March 16, 2017, LLS held the film festival and sold out to an audience of 600. LLS raised more than $14,000, which will go to funds for scholarships for students pursuing a degree at FAU Jupiter as well as the main beneficiary, the Breast Cancer Fund. This event, by far, is one of the most entertaining programs we have each year. Before the film showing, LLS holds a festivities hour that includes local non-profit organizations and community businesses that provide services or programs for women and children.
Once again, we had JVC Broadcasting come out to provide music during the festivities hour. We also welcomed back Berry Fresh Café and Chartwell’s to provide light bites. New this year, we had Lilly’s Catering & Events join us, as well as the Maltz Jupiter Theatre Conservatory.

Maltz Jupiter Theatre Conservatory
Thank you to all of the participating organizations and businesses that provided in-kind donations and came out to support this successful event.
Thank you to all of our supporters.

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