Turnitin Adds AI Detection This Week

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Starting today, Turnitin assignments include a new AI writing detection feature in their gamut of sources for generating similarity reports. Now, when a student submits a paper to Turnitin, the similarity report will show a separate summary and percentage indicating how much of the document may have been written by AI writing tools such as ChatGPT.

To access this feature, start by creating your Canvas Turnitin Assignments as usual. After the similarity report has processed and you see a similarity score for the student’s submission, click it to open the report. Within the report, find the AI indicator and click on it to view details about the parts of the document that may have been generated with an AI tool.

For more info on how this feature works:

For assistance or questions about any of the above details, feel free to submit a Turnitin Help Desk Request or view our team’s scheduler to schedule a one-on-one appointment with us.