Profiling Muslims Is Bad. So Is Ignoring Radical Islam.

rabil (3)Dr. Robert Rabil, a long-time FAU and Lifelong Learning Society faculty member, is the author of numerous books and many journal articles dealing with the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Radical Islam, Hezbollah, Terrorism, Syria, Israel, Iraq, and Lebanon. As an expert, he has appeared on and has been interviewed by British Broadcasting Company (BBC), C-Span, Fox News, MSNBC, National Public Radio (NPR), the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and other major media networks and participates in government-sponsored roundtable discussions and forums.

Most recently, Dr. Rabil wrote an article, “Profiling Muslims Is Bad. So Is Ignoring Radical Islam,” which is featured on the National Interest Website. To read the article, click here.

DSC_0010 Blog PostDr. Rabil is a professor of Middle East studies at Florida Atlantic University’s Department of Political Science and is also the Lifelong Learning Society (LLS) Distinguished Professor of Current Events. He received his master’s degree in government from the Harvard University Extension School and his doctorate in Near Eastern and Judaic studies from Brandeis University. In May 2012, he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Humanities from Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts.

This fall, Dr. Rabil will be teaching an eight-week course, “U.S. National Security and The War on Extremism,” and two one-time lectures, “Israel and the Arab Gulf States: A Superficial or Strategic Alliance in the Making?” and “The Future of Iranian-Russian Relations: Implications for the U.S. and Israel’s National Security.”

To learn more about Dr. Rabil, visit his website



By Kami Barrett-Batchelder, Associate Director of the Lifelong Learning Society, Jupiter

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2 comments on “Profiling Muslims Is Bad. So Is Ignoring Radical Islam.
  1. Marilyn Myers says:

    For Americans to understand the dynamics will take forever (and we don’t have forever). Just understanding the names of all the ‘organizations,’ and the divisions of Islam is a gigantic task. Wish there was a simpler way to explain the players and issues.

  2. William F. Contois says:

    There is no quick fix to the turmoil in the Middle East. Professor Rabil in a very scholarly way through this article, his lectures and books is providing an understanding of the complex nature of the issue we will be facing for many decades. The available media typically only cover the sensational and not the underlying causation. Strategy leading to any solution first requires an in depth understanding of the root cause.