FAU Alert Test – October 5

Florida Atlantic University will test all components of the FAU Alert System on Tuesday, October 5.

At approximately 10:00 a.m., the outdoor warning sirens on the Boca Raton, Jupiter and Harbor Branch campuses will be activated. During this test, a loud siren sound and a spoken message will be heard across the campuses as well as in nearby neighborhoods and business areas. FAU apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause and thanks its campus neighbors in advance for understanding the importance of this testing process to both the University and the community at large.

Additionally, FAU’s University-wide email, text message alert, telephone alert, web alert, emergency hotlines, digital signage, desktop alerts and social media will be tested during the same time.

Users of the FAU Owl Ready App (www.fau.edu/emergency/owlready.php) will also receive alerts.

Tests of the FAU Alert System will occur at least two times a year.

The FAU Alert System is designed to play a key role in keeping FAU’s students, faculty, staff and campus visitors safe during emergency situations. The University thanks everyone affected by these tests for showing patience and cooperation as they are carried out.

For more information on FAU Alert, please visit the Department of Emergency Management’s website at www.fau.edu/emergency.

Be Prepared, Be Safe, Be Owl Ready!

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements