Join Brian Hare, Ph.D., Professor in Evolutionary Anthropology, and in Psychology and Neuroscience, at Duke University for this Frontiers in Science Virtual Lecture.
Around 50,000 years ago, Homo sapiens made a cognitive leap that gave us an edge over the other species of humans with which we had shared the earth. What happened? Brian Hare, professor in the department of evolutionary anthropology and the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at Duke University and his wife, Vanessa Woods, a research scientist and award-winning journalist, suggest the answer lies in what they call the “self-domestication theory:” what gave us the advantage was a remarkable kind of friendliness, an ability to coordinate and communicate with others that allowed us to thrive and achieve all the marvels in human history. But this gift for friendliness came at a cost. Hare’s groundbreaking research reveals that the same traits that make us the most tolerant species on the planet also make us the cruelest.
Learn more about the FAU Frontiers in Science Public Lecture Series at: http://www.science.fau.edu/frontiers.