Florida Atlantic will begin construction of a new seven-story residence hall on the Boca Raton campus in Spring 2025. The project will provide 674 additional student beds and will be located on the grassy area east of Parliament Hall. The residence hall is expected to be completed and ready for occupancy by Fall 2026.
Due to site constraints, the south portion of Parking Lot 28 (see photo) will be closed for the duration of the project to ensure campus safety and accommodate construction activities.
To address parking impacts, please note the following:
- Residential students with green permits are directed to park in Parking Garage II (PK-88) on levels 4 and 5, including the up/down ramps between these levels
- Faculty, staff and commuters are directed to park in Parking Garage II on levels 1, 2 and 3, as well as in Parking Lots 1, 25 and 27
- A campus map with all parking lot locations is available here
The Florida Atlantic shuttle service will continue regular routes, with pick-up locations at the Indian River, Parliament Hall, and University Village Apartments (UVA) stops. For more information on shuttle routes, visit fau.etaspot.net.
Questions can be directed to faupark@fau.edu.
Sent on behalf of the Department of Parking and Transportation Services.