Dates: Jan 19-21
Time:11 a.m. -2 p.m.
Explore the systems and forms of oppression directly impacting domestic and global social justice issues. The interactive displays provide a one of a kind, multi-sensory experience for those in attendance.
Dates: Jan 19-21
Time:11 a.m. -2 p.m.
Explore the systems and forms of oppression directly impacting domestic and global social justice issues. The interactive displays provide a one of a kind, multi-sensory experience for those in attendance.
Learn how to define and practice self-management, self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation and empathy to develop your own emotional intelligence while discovering ways to successfully communicate with others in both a verbal and non-verbal manner.
FAU Students, Faculty and Staff,
Today’s second “21 for Spring 2021” email covers topics related to Housing and Residential Education, Dining Services, and Transportation Services.
Housing and Residential Education
Residential students received detailed information regarding spring semester move-in procedures from the Department of Housing and Residential Education via email on Dec. 18.
A COVID-19 PCR test is required to check-in to FAU residence halls. PCR tests are considered the “gold standard” in identifying COVID-19 as the system allows detection of very small quantities of the virus that would not be detected with other tests. All Spring 2021 residential students will be required to present a negative COVID-19 test result by January 11 at 9 a.m. The test results submitted must be from a test conducted between Dec. 28, 2020 – Jan. 7, 2021. It is recommended that students have the test no more than three days prior to their move-in date.
If residential students fail to provide a test by the required date, their access to the Recreation and Fitness Center and their residence hall/student apartment will be disabled. These students will then be asked to go to Student Health Services to obtain a COVID-19 test before their access is reactivated.
Move-in began on Tuesday, Jan. 5 and will continue through Saturday. New students will participate in an appointment-based check-in process. This will allow each student and family time to transition to campus with reduced traffic. Students can sign-up for move-in appointments on the housing portal.
Current COVID-19 processes related to face coverings, physical distancing, cleaning/disinfection, guest policy, and shared community spaces will remain in place for Spring 2021. Students are required to follow all University guidelines even if guidelines are different in local cities or counties.
Additional information is available on the residential move-in information web page.
Students interested in employment on campus for Fall 2021 can apply for one of three student positions with the Department of Housing and Residential Education: Resident Assistant, Desk Assistant, or Community Service Officer. Students who are planning to take classes in Summer 2021 can apply for summer housing on the housing portal when the Summer Housing Application opens March 1.
Questions can be directed to Housing and Residential Education at or 561-297-2880.
Dining Services
Dining Services hours are available here. All retail locations are take-out only. The Atlantic Dining Hall has limited seating.
FAU dining facilities undergo stringent cleaning and sanitation procedures in accordance with guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Visit the Dining Services website for additional information.
Transportation Services
Visit the Parking and Transportation website for detailed information and schedules. Face coverings are required on the FAU-operated shuttle bus and within other official FAU vehicles.
Remember to Protect Your Owl Family. Following safety protocols and public health recommendations will limit COVID-19 on our campuses, as well as locally and across the country.
Students and employees need to continue reporting to Student Health Services (561-297-3512, select option 3) if experiencing COVID-19 or flu symptoms, are exposed to COVID-19 (even if out of the area) or test positive for COVID-19.
General questions related to the COVID-19 situation should be directed to All feedback is shared with applicable departments across FAU campuses to ensure adjustments as necessary. Visit the FAU coronavirus website for additional information.
Join us at the 2021 virtual FAU Frontiers in Science lecture series, beginning Friday, January 15 through April 23. We have experts this season from a range of scientific disciplines who are speaking about: understanding the big bang, chance in the making of the planet and life, inequities in infancy, mathematical puzzles, the discovery of early human species, how economic collapse from Covid-19 is creating the future faster, and more! We hope these lectures move you to deeper learning, explain your world, ignite your discussions, and bring the richness of the sciences to you.
Learn More/CTA URL:
At the end of Spring 2020, FAU Jupiter Campus Life & Honors College Faculty created a contest seeking Quarantine Art and Confinement Poetry.
This Fall, we are following up on the success of the first contest with a new SARS-CoV-2to show your art and compete for prizes and fame.
We are calling all FAU students to submit visual art and poetry reflecting on life in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Works need to have been created in Summer/Fall 2020 to be eligible. A panel of faculty and staff will judge the entries.
Contests Rule: Visual art and/or poetry reflecting on life in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic created in Summer/Fall 2020 to be eligible.
Winners will receive Honors College swag (t-shirt or water bottle) and will be celebrated in the Honors College Newsletter and Jupiter Campus Life social media.
Contests open: Monday, November 23, 2020
Submission deadline: Sunday, December 6, 2020, by 11:59 p.m.
Submission Link:
For more information, please feel free to contact the Jupiter Campus Life Team at
HBSA Presents Beach Cleanup
Ft. Pierce Jetty Park.
Saturday, Nov. 14
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
For More info email:
Harbor Branch Students Association
If accommodation(s) for disability is required, contact Dr. Peter J. McCarthy – 772-242-2632
TTY – 1-800-955-8770, a minimum of five (5) working days in advance of the date of the event
The Master of Science in Supply Chain Management (MSSCM) provides a strong curriculum, delivering the foundations and principles of Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, Procurement, and Sourcing, integrated with concentrated study of Business Analytics, Shipping, and Trade in order to provide graduates with the key skills and hands-on experience demanded by employers locally, statewide, nationally, and internationally.
Learn More/CTA URL:
This networking event provides students and alumni to network with organizations in the social services industry. Various opportunities may be available such as, full-time, part-time, volunteer and internship positions