We need your help with this quick survey to influence Florida Atlantic merchandise in the marketplace. Every participant will receive an entry to win a $150 gift card to the FAU Campus Store.

We need your help with this quick survey to influence Florida Atlantic merchandise in the marketplace. Every participant will receive an entry to win a $150 gift card to the FAU Campus Store.
It’s that time of the year…College Colors Day Celebration! Join us in your FAU Red & Blue Friday, September 2 on the Diversity Housing Lawn from 11:30am-1:30pm. Enjoy free food, live music, experiential marketing activation, giveaways, as well as special appearances by FAU’s Cheer and Dance Team and the Marching Owls. Don’t forget to share photos of yourself sporting FAU apparel on social media! Use #FAU for a chance to win FAU prizes. Need new FAU gear? Visit fau.edu/gear.
Are you looking to gain some new skills, but don’t have the time to invest in a full course? Our Computer Science Bootcamps have you covered! From Monday, August 15th through Friday, August 19th, we are offering four bootcamp courses: Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Intro to Programming, and Python Programming for Data Science.
FAU Internship and Part-Time Job Fair – Fall 2022 (In-Person)
Thursday, September 8th 2022, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
FAU Recreation and Fitness Center 777 Glades Rd, Boca Raton, Florida 33431, United States
This career fair provides students an avenue to network with employers and learn about internships and part-time jobs in a myriad of industries. Please RSVP in Handshake ahead of time so that you don’t miss out on pertinent information regarding the event!
FAU Government and Social Services Career Fair – Fall 2022 (In-Person)
Thursday, September 22nd 2022, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Live Oak Pavilion 777 Glades Rd, Boca Raton, Florida 33431, United States
This career fair provides students an avenue to network with employers and learn about positions in government and social services. Please RSVP in Handshake ahead of time so that you don’t miss out on pertinent information regarding the event!https://app.joinhandshake.com/career_fairs/32775/student_preview
FAU Career Expo – Fall 2022 (In-Person)
Wednesday, September 28th 2022, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
FAU Recreation and Fitness Center 777 Glades Rd, Boca Raton, Florida 33431, United States
This career fair provides students an avenue to network with employers and learn about full-time positions in a myriad of industries. Please RSVP in Handshake ahead of time so that you don’t miss out on pertinent information regarding the event!”
FAU Career EXPO – Fall 2022 (Virtual)
Thursday, September 29th 2022, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
This career fair provides students an avenue to network with employers and learn about full-time positions in a myriad of industries. Please RSVP in Handshake ahead of time so that you don’t miss out on pertinent information regarding the event!
The Hispanic/Latina/o/x Initiatives within the Center for Inclusion, Diversity Education, and Advocacy is in charge of putting the press release together and gathering the information for the programs/events that will take place in bringing awareness and celebrating Hispanic/Latina/o/x Heritage during September 15th- October 15th, 2022. As a Hispanic Serving Institution, we are encouraging as many departments/areas to celebrate this student population, no matter how small the gesture may be. If your department/organization is providing any specific programming for this population during this time frame, please provide this information by September 2, 2022 at 8am so it can be finalized.
Here is the general format for the information within the press release:
Name of Event, Date & Time, Location, and a general statement about the event (no more than two sentences to three sentences on what attendees will gain from attending your event). Please have this information gathered before filling out the form below. Celebrating Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Press Release- Information Collection Form https://tinyurl.com/FAUHLHM2022
If you have any questions about Hispanic/Latina/o/x Heritage Month or Hispanic/Latina/o/x Initiatives overall, feel free to reach out to Marlynn Lopez at lopezm@fau.edu.
Come on out and meet the FAU Fraternity and Sorority Life Family on Tuesday August 23rd 5p.m. to 7p.m. in the student union. While attending this tabling event you will have the opportunity to meet the members of the chapters, while learning more about their organizations and upcoming events.
IDS 3949 – Virtual Registration Lab
Monday, June 27th 2022, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
This workshop is for students who would like to get free elective credit through the Professional Internship Course. During this event, we will review the course requirements and give you permission to register for the course, as long as you have completed all the documents and requirements to register. https://fau.joinhandshake.com/edu/events/1040400
Mayo Clinic Department of Laboratory Medicine Careers Virtual Webinar
Tuesday, June 28th 2022, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Join representatives of the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology as they discuss career opportunities within clinical labs and where to start the search.
IDS 3949 – Virtual Registration Lab
Thursday, June 30th 2022, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
This workshop is for students who would like to get free elective credit through the Professional Internship Course. During this event, we will review the course requirements and give you permission to register for the course, as long as you have completed all the documents and requirements to register.” https://fau.joinhandshake.com/edu/events/1040406
IDS 3949 – Virtual Registration Lab
Friday, July 1st 2022, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
This workshop is for students who would like to get free elective credit through the Professional Internship Course. During this event, we will review the course requirements and give you permission to register for the course, as long as you have completed all the documents and requirements to register.” https://fau.joinhandshake.com/edu/events/1040416
IDS 3949 – On-Site Registration Lab
Friday, July 1st 2022, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
UN-31 Student Union The Palms Multipurpose Room
This workshop is for students who would like to get free elective credit through the Professional Internship Course. During this event, we will review the course requirements and give you permission to register for the course, as long as you have completed all the documents and requirements to register. https://fau.joinhandshake.com/edu/events/1040420
From 6/6/2022 – 8/5/2022, the Military & Veterans Student Success Center (MVSSC) will be collecting donations for school supplies that will be given out to students using their VA education benefits. These supplies will be distributed to students August 16-17, 2022 in the MVSSC office.
The Ins and Outs of USAJOBS: Demystifying the Federal Application Process (Virtual)
Wednesday, June 1st 2022, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Join the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to hear from HR experts as they discuss all things USAJOBS to include searching for jobs, hiring paths, and the anatomy of a vacancy announcement.” https://fau.joinhandshake.com/edu/events/1047352
More than a Bank – Bank of America (Virtual)
Wednesday, June 1st 2022, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Join Bank of America as they shine a virtual spotlight on different Summer 2023 Internships they have to offer! You will have the opportunity to hear from experts in the fields and network with representatives from Bank of America.” https://fau.joinhandshake.com/edu/events/1038753
Fostering Pride at MEDITECH – Careers in Healthcare IT for ALL majors! (Virtual)
“Thursday, June 2nd 2022, 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Join to hear more about the exciting career opportunities for all majors at MEDITECH!” https://fau.joinhandshake.com/edu/events/1025406
Establishing Effective Systems and Routines: Strategies for my First Years of Teaching (Virtual)
Thursday, June 2nd 2022, 5:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Are you looking to maximize instructional time within your classroom? During this session, Polk County Public School teachers will provide strategies and insight on how to establish effective systems and routines, making every second count with your students! There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.” https://fau.joinhandshake.com/edu/events/981807
PRIDE Month – U.S. Secret Service: Career Opportunities! (Virtual)
Friday, June 3rd 2022, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Ever imagined a fulfilling career in Federal Law Enforcement but wasn’t sure how it would be possible? Learn how they are looking for talented individuals like you to join our elite agency. Hear first account experiences from Uniformed Division Officers and Agents!” https://fau.joinhandshake.com/edu/events/1039655
Florida Summer Institute in Biostatistics and Data Science (SIBDS) 2022 If you are an undergraduate/early graduate with STEM coursework, you are eligible for SIBDS at FAU Boca Raton campus May 23rd–July 1st, 2022. Women, Minorities and Persons with Disabilities are encouraged to apply. To apply, please email Dr. Freeman by April 4 to schedule an informal meeting (Please put “SIBDS APP” in Subject Line): Dr. Kathy Freeman, Professor and Biostatistics Core Leader, FAU: kfreemancostin@health.fau.edu