Pitching Yourself to Startups (Virtual)

Wednesday, December 15th 2021, 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Finding a job at a startup can be challenging, but with Venture For America, it can be a little easier! Learn how their Fellowship, cities, and community can help you leap into the startup world in a supported way. Venture For America has helped more than 1,400 recent grads find jobs in startups across the country. They’re excited to share tips and tricks to land a startup job that can propel your career forward.

Sign up to hear tips for networking, sprucing your resume, and interviewing effectively. Plus, learn a bit about their mission, programming, and community!” https://fau.joinhandshake.com/edu/events/889987

Posted in Student Announcements

Recruiter Insights and Tips to Land the Job (Virtual)

 Wednesday, December 15th 2021, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Hear from recruiters from Deloitte, Charter, Google, and SAP on how to position yourself well with a strong resume and interview. In this workshop, you will learn strategies for how to stand out as a job applicant – whether you’re looking for a new job, transitioning your career, or just starting out. Together, navigate through uncertain situations like how to manage career gaps on your resume and get through automated resume screeners.

Plus, you’ll get to practice answering some of the most challenging interview questions.” https://fau.joinhandshake.com/edu/events/905419

Posted in Student Announcements

Future Women and Diverse Leaders Alumni Panel (Virtual)

Tuesday, December 7th 2021, 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Join alumni from Blackstone’s Future Women Leaders and Diverse Leaders Programs to learn about the program and how the programs led to a career at Blackstone.” https://app.joinhandshake.com/edu/events/893027

Posted in Student Announcements

Intro to Cybersecurity – Information Session (Virtual)

Thursday, December 9th 2021, 8:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Join the upcoming information session to learn more about CodePath’s Cybersecurity course being offered at FAU! This hands-on course will help you develop a hacker’s mindset through an offensive approach to cybersecurity.” https://app.joinhandshake.com/edu/events/907024

Posted in Student Announcements

Spring 2022 FAU Virtual Frontiers in Science Public Lecture Series

Join us at the 2022 virtual FAU Frontiers in Science lecture series, beginning Friday, January 14. We’ve brought experts to you from across the globe and from right here in our own community. We hope these lectures move you to deeper learning, explain your world, ignite your discussions, and bring the richness of the sciences to you.

RSVP here: http://science.fau.edu/frontiers/

Posted in Student Announcements

Upcoming Career Center Events (November December)

Fast Enterprises Information Session (Virtual)

Tuesday, November 30th 2021, 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Hear what it’s like to work for FAST and why they have been recognized as a Great Place to Work® for Millennials, Technology, and Diversity in 2020! They are an industry leader in the development and installation of software for government agencies (tax, motor vehicle, unemployment insurance and benefits).  Explore their many openings throughout the world in IT, Tech, Data, and Training.” https://app.joinhandshake.com/edu/events/892097

CMS Spotlight – Finance, HR, Acquisition, and IT (Virtual)

Wednesday, December 1st 2021, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Join the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) at 12pm EST as you hear from four different offices within the agency:
– Office of Financial Management
– Office of Human Capital (HR)
– Office of Acquisition and Grants Management
– Office of Information Technology
Experts from each component will share their experiences and what it’s like to work at CMS.” https://app.joinhandshake.com/edu/events/870270

Info Session- Winter Week Experential Learning- Session 3 (Virtual)

Wednesday, December 1st 2021, 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Learn more about the mthree Winter Week- Experiential Learning Program Info Session and QA.” https://app.joinhandshake.com/edu/events/900338

Johnson & Johnson HealthTech Hack (Virtual)

“Friday, December 3rd 2021 to Sunday, December 5th 2021, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Level up your tech and data science skills at this exciting 48-hour Hackathon. Hackers are encouraged to use their strengths to drive ideas and business solutions forward. Johnson & Johnson is awarding over $10,000 in prizes!” https://app.joinhandshake.com/edu/events/900681

Beyond Venture For America (Virtual)

Friday, December 3rd 2021, 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
You’re interested in entrepreneurship and want to become a startup leader or founder one day. You might have heard of Venture For America’s two-year Fellowship Program. So, what comes after those two years and how can you benefit? Come attend Beyond Venture For America to see what life is after the Fellowship Program and how Alumni have applied what they have learned to become successful.” https://app.joinhandshake.com/ed

Posted in Student Announcements

Learning in London with Susan Dennett

Explore London and the historical trends relating to education & leadership. Critically reflect on topics relating to the European education systems and leadership practices and evaluate resources relating to England (Europe).

Full details at https://www.fau.edu/global/goabroad/faculty-led-programs/london-england-education-page/ .

Questions: email sdennett@fau.edu

Posted in Student Announcements

Walk-In No-Cost Flu Vaccine Clinic for FAU Students

FAU Student Health Services will hold a walk-in no-cost flu vaccine clinic for FAU students on Wednesday, November 17 from 2:00-4:00 pm in Bldg 8, Room 222A (south end of the Boca Breezeway above the Food Court). There is no charge for the vaccine, but we would ask that you please bring your Owl Card and insurance card (if you have one). No appointment necessary! For more information or to schedule an appointment for an alternate time, please call 561-297-3512.

Posted in Student Announcements

Morgan Stanley Student Ambassador ‘Pointers from Peers’ Series – Leveraging your Network: Partner Organization Members (Virtual)

Tuesday, November 16th 2021, 5:00 pm – 5:45 pm

We invite you to connect with Morgan Stanley through the Student Ambassador Virtual Series! Hear from your peers who recently interned with Morgan Stanley to gain insight into their Summer Analyst Programs, the various businesses at Morgan Stanley, pointers on the recruiting process, and perspectives on topics you care about.

You will receive an email in advance of each virtual session with log-in details.” https://app.joinhandshake.com/events/876697

Posted in Student Announcements

CMS Culture Defined (Virtual)

Wednesday, November 17th 2021, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Join us on November 17th to hear directly from employees about what it’s like to work at Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services! https://app.joinhandshake.com/events/870266

Posted in Student Announcements