“The Secret Lives of Glaciers” with Nat Geo Explorer M Jackson, Ph.D.

Dr. M Jackson will explore the fascinating geography of glaciers on this planet. Based on over a decade of research in the Arctic, Dr. Jackson shares many localized stories of what happens to an Icelandic community as their local glaciers disappear. Profoundly hopeful, Jackson’s talk shows how ice influences people just as much as people influence ice–and what all of us can do to move into a future with healthy glaciers and healthy communities. Jackson is a geographer, glaciologist, TED Fellow, a National Geographic Society Explorer, and author of the 2019 book “The Secret Lives of Glaciers.”

This event takes place on Friday, January 24 at 6 p.m. in General Classroom North Room 102 on the Boca Raton campus. Visit the Eventbrite page for more details.

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

FAU Students Helping Atlantic Dining Hall Reduce Waste

The lockable food container company, Lock It Plates, has eliminated more than 8,000 foam plates from FAU’s Dining Hall in one year. The founders came up with the idea while attending Florida Atlantic University and are now running their business out of FAU Tech Runway.

To learn more, visit the FAU Youtube page.

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

5th Annual Women’s Leadership Institute Call for Programs

Submissions Deadline: January 10, 2020

The Women’s Leadership Institute (WLI) strives to raise awareness on issues women face in leadership, to facilitate skill development, and provide relationship building and networking opportunities for students, staff, and faculty. The theme for this year’s conference is Valiant Women of the Vote. We aim to foster discussion on civic engagement and the power of women’s voices. Whether participants are using their voice to shape the politics of our country or to fully participate in the classroom, we want to provide them with skills to overcome the gendered barriers that so often silence people.

We invite proposals from all disciplines and methodologies. Scholars of all levels are welcome to submit proposals. Topics of programs we are looking for include, but are not limited to:

  • Career Equity
  • Organizing and Activism
  • Reflection and Identity
  • Skills to Unlearn
  • Self Care and Community Care
  • Cultivating Leadership at All Levels
  • Networking for Women
  • Mediating Difficult Conversations
  • Navigating Values in Professional Roles
  • Who is the Valiant Woman?

For more information, please visit the Women’s Leadership Institute webpage or email Jill Rubin, Women and Gender Coordinator at rubinj2014@fau.edu.

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

Professional Development

The Owls Alliance Against Sexual Assault presents assisting students with disabilities who experience trauma.

  • Boca: October 4 at 12pm in room SU 132
  • Davie: October 7 at 12pm in room LA 132
  • Jupiter: September 27 at 10am. room AD 206

For Faculty, Staff and Graduate Students only

For more information contact Victim Services via email charrina@fau.edu,

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements

Accounting Career and Internship Fair

The Accounting Career and Internship Fair is occurring on Sept. 20 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Recreation & Fitness Center on the Boca Raton campus. Representatives from industry-leading accounting firms and organizations will be in attendance to share with students various opportunities in accounting and accounting-related positions. Business attire is required and students are encouraged to RSVP ahead of time in Handshake. Click here to register.

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements

FAU Student Health Services Dental Clinic Open House

The FAU Student Health Services Dental Clinic is proud to offer our convenient and cost-effective services to FAU students, faculty and staff in its Boca Raton campus location. The Dental Clinic is in network with a number of dental insurances, including all FAU employee dental plans.

We would like to invite all students, faculty and staff to join us for an open house of our facility on Thursday, June 27, 2019 from noon – 2:00pm. The open house will give you an opportunity to tour our dental suite, meet our dedicated dental staff and enjoy some light refreshments.

FAU Student Health Services Dental Clinic is located on the second level of the Breezeway above Starbucks.

Posted in Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

Film Screening of ‘U-Turn: A Transformational Journey’

The Wilkes Honors College, sponsored by the Peace, Justice and Human Rights Initiative, will host a screening of the film, “U-Turn” by film producer and director, Luis Argueta. The documentary tells the story of a group of Guatemalan immigrant women and children, who bravely spoke out about abuses they suffered at an agricultural plant. “U-Turn” is an educational, awareness and advocacy tool about the reality of migration, and the rights of migrants. To learn more, click here.

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements

Support Group for the FAU Community

Florida Atlantic University is a community that is both local and national reaching. With recent deaths by survivors from Marjory Stoneman Douglas and Sandy Hook, the community of FAU has experienced a hard-hitting impact. the news of these deaths may trigger strong reactions or memories that may be affecting you now. If this is the case for you, please take care of the basics for yourself or those around you and practice self-care more than usual. Be sure to prioritize your mental health right now.

If things seem more difficult than usual, reach out for help. FAU Counseling and Psychological Services will be offering a drop-in support group Wednesday, March 27 from 2 – 3 p.m. for anyone within FAU who might want to come together, discuss concerns, or get support. Walk-in crisis visits are available during our regular business hours, as well as, telephone crisis counseling available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling us at 561-297-3540.

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

8th Annual Strides for Education Beach Bash Dash & Breaskfast

Beach Run Alert! Join FAU as we race along Juno Beach on Saturday, Feb. 23 to help Take Stock in Children Palm Beach provide college scholarships for low-income students in PBC! You even get a medal!

Register, donate to the Florida Atlantic University team and find event details here: www.StridesforEducationPBC.ORG. Florida Atlantic University is a proud partner of Take Stock in Children Palm Beach County.

For more information contact Devin Herrera, Assistant Director, Campus Life-Northern Campuses at djherrera@fau.edu.

Posted in Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

I Ask: Pillow Case Display

During the week of April 1 – 5, FAU will be recognizing “It’s On Us” week in our annual series of campaigns and events against sexual violence. Please join us as we promote this year’s call to action “I Ask” through a giant pillow case display. Departments and student organization are invited to a pillow case to endorse the theme.

Pillow cases must be standard size (20×30 inches), oriented horizontally in a “flag” direction, and include the following messages: I ask, 2019, your department’s name. Completed pillow cases can be dropped off at the Women & Gender Resource Center (SS-224A) or Victim Services (Library, 156). Deadline for drop off is March 22, 2019.

Need a pillow case? Pick up one at the Owls Care Health Promotion office (SS-222) or email Sarah Deatherage-Rauzin (sdeatherage@health.fau.edu) to arrange a delivery.

Posted in Staff Announcements, Student Announcements