During the week of April 1 – 5, FAU will be recognizing “It’s On Us” week in our annual series of campaigns and events against sexual violence. Please join us as we promote this year’s call to action “I Ask” through a giant pillow case display. Departments and student organization are invited to a pillow case to endorse the theme.
Pillow cases must be standard size (20×30 inches), oriented horizontally in a “flag” direction, and include the following messages: I ask, 2019, your department’s name. Completed pillow cases can be dropped off at the Women & Gender Resource Center (SS-224A) or Victim Services (Library, 156). Deadline for drop off is March 22, 2019.
Need a pillow case? Pick up one at the Owls Care Health Promotion office (SS-222) or email Sarah Deatherage-Rauzin (sdeatherage@health.fau.edu) to arrange a delivery.