Boca Raton Parking Changes

Florida Atlantic will begin construction of a new seven-story residence hall on the Boca Raton campus in Spring 2025. The project will provide 674 additional student beds and will be located on the grassy area east of Parliament Hall. The residence hall is expected to be completed and ready for occupancy by Fall 2026.

Due to site constraints, the south portion of Parking Lot 28 (see photo) will be closed for the duration of the project to ensure campus safety and accommodate construction activities.

To address parking impacts, please note the following:

  • Residential students with green permits are directed to park in Parking Garage II (PK-88) on levels 4 and 5, including the up/down ramps between these levels
  • Faculty, staff and commuters are directed to park in Parking Garage II on levels 1, 2 and 3, as well as in Parking Lots 1, 25 and 27
  • A campus map with all parking lot locations is available here

The Florida Atlantic shuttle service will continue regular routes, with pick-up locations at the Indian River, Parliament Hall, and University Village Apartments (UVA) stops. For more information on shuttle routes, visit

Questions can be directed to

Sent on behalf of the Department of Parking and Transportation Services.

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

Free Glean Notetaking App

We would like to have the attached promotional documents that have been approved by Dexter over in Branding to be places in MY FAU Announcements, Canvas, Social Media and any possibility for an email blast to all students at FAU.

Free Glean Notetaking App available to all students, faculty and staff, must use the single sign on (SSO) use their FAU email to claim their free account.

Posted in Staff Announcements

New Office Locations for DOS, CAPS and Owls Care

You can now find the Dean of Students Office, Counseling and Psychological Services and OWLS Care Health Promotion in one location above the Food Court on the Breezeway, in the Student Services Suite #8.  

We are excited to announce the completion of a major space renovation for the Division of Student Affairs. The Dean of Students, and Counseling and Psychological Services departments will return to the SS-8 building, above the food court on the Boca Raton Campus Breezeway. We are also excited to share the Owls Care Health Promotion Department will be joining them in this newly renovated location.  

The Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) department provides students with timely and effective mental health services that allow them to improve and maintain their mental well-being.  This assists students to help meet their educational, personal, emotional, and psychological goals. The new office features a new relaxation room, a fully renovated welcome area and even massage chairs! So, please stop by and learn more about all we have to offer.

The Dean of Students Office (DOS) also returns to this location. Their office helps students as they matriculate the University’s degree programs. DOS includes Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution as well as Victim Services. The renovated area also now is home to the OWLS Care Health Promotion (OCHP), which empowers students to be healthy, responsible and successful.

For more information, please visit their websites here and follow @faustudents.

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

2024-25 Technology Fee Proposals

The University Technology Fee Proposal website is now open. All Florida Atlantic constituents (i.e., students, student organizations, faculty, colleges, departments, partner campuses, administrative staff and departments, as well as the Office of Information Technology) may apply for revenues generated from the Technology Fee through the Request for Proposals process, which includes a comprehensive review of each submission by the Technology Fee Oversight Committee. Proposals should prioritize one-time expenditures, focus on impacting instruction, and innovative ideas are weighted favorably.

 Click here for specific guidelines and to submit a proposal.

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

9/11 Patriot Day

Join us for a moment of silence to honor and remember those who perished 23 years ago on September 11, 2001 .

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 @ 9:00 a.m.
Military & Veteran Student Success Center
(Flagpole in Front of Student Union )

777 Glades Rd
Boca Raton, Fl 33431
Bldg.31E Rm. 173

Reasonable accommodation should be requested of the event sponsor: Military & Veterans Student Success Center at 561-297-4725 and or TTY Relay Station at 1-800-955-8770.

Please make your needs known as soon as possible to allow sufficient time for effective accommodations,
preferably 5 days before the date of this event. Visit for more info.

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

Faculty Can Request Library Instruction Sessions

Faculty can request Library Instruction Sessions to introduce their students to valuable research skills. Instruction sessions include but are not limited to Library Research 101, Citation Help, Plagiarism Basics, and more. To learn more or to request an instruction session today, go to the instruction services homepage at:

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements

Drug Free Campus Notice

Florida Atlantic University is committed to providing a campus environment free from alcohol abuse and the illegal use of alcohol and other drugs. FAU has adopted and implemented programs that seek to prevent the illicit use of drugs and alcohol abuse by university community members.

FAU distributes a semesterly notification to all students, faculty and staff on policies related to alcohol, other drugs and weapons. It can be found here. This notification contains important and helpful information on the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and alcohol abuse, as well as contact information to get help.

For faculty and staff, confidential help or questions regarding this statement, please call the Employee Assistance Program at 1-800-865-3200 or visit the Employee Assistance Program website (login ID: Florida Atlantic University, password: EAP).

Psychological Services can be reached by calling 561-297-CAPS (2277) or by visiting the Counseling and Psychological website.

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

QEP 20-Minute Information Sessions

Dear Colleagues:  

IMPORTANT: QEP 20-Minute Information Sessions  

Next week Florida Atlantic will undergo our 10-year on-site re-accreditation review by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). An integral component of this accreditation review is evaluation of the institution’s Quality Enhancement Plan or QEP. During the visit, reviewers may ask students, faculty, or staff about the QEP titled: Education Reimagined: Engaging Students through Peer-Assisted Learning. It is essential that all members of the community are familiar with the QEP.   

If you would like to learn more, please join us for one of three 20-minute online QEP information sessions:
Tuesday, March 26 3 – 3:20 p.m.
Wednesday, March 27 11 – 11:20 a.m.
Thursday, March 28 10 – 10:20 a.m.

For security purposes, register for the session you select by clicking the date/time and the Zoom link will be emailed to you.  

These sessions will be 10 minutes of information about the QEP, followed by your questions. We hope people throughout the university community are excited about the new plans at FAU to engage and excite students in the learning process through course redesign with the LA model. For additional information, visit For questions or accommodations, email  

Sincerely,   Brittanney Adelmann, Ph.D.                                                       
Director, Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)                            

Jennifer Bebergal, Ed.D.
Co-lead, Quality Enhancement (QEP)
Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

The Body Project

Register for The Body Project, a free body acceptance program open to FAU students. Learn how to enrich your relationship with your body, reduce body dissatisfaction, and meet new people. All students get a free “All Bodies are Good Bodies” T-shirt! Spaces are limited so prior registration is required. This program takes place over 2 different days, held one week apart. Next session will be on February 10 and 17, 2024 in the Women’s Resource and Community Connection. Please register at

Posted in Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

Paint Your Heart Out

Friday, Feb. 9, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

The Weppner Center for LEAD and Service-Learning will be pairing up with The Solid Waste Authority to help paint houses for those in need. This event will take place in Riviera Beach and students are responsible for their own transportation. The event will take place from 9 am to 1 pm and students will receive 4 service hours for attending this trip. Once students will sign up they will receive a confirmation email with final details and information about the address. If anyone has any questions they can contact Bailey Carmack at

Register Now

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements