Biomedical Research Awareness Day (BRAD): Time to Get Real! About Animal Research

Join us for a fun event to learn how to work together and move in the direction of stronger science, faster cures and fewer animals.

Learn More:

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

Hear it From Them

February 22, 2022

2 – 5 p.m.

This event will take place in Majestic Palm in the FAU Student Union. This event will honor Black History Month & we will hear the stories of our fellow students, and an award winning producer & poet.

Learn More:

Posted in Staff Announcements


iDeclare is being hosted by University Advising Services in collaboration with Career Center and the College Advising offices. iDeclare will be a virtual event on both 3/1/22 and 3/2/22 to help students discover the different majors at FAU. Students will learn about the Colleges from the College Advisors, learn what careers can one obtain from the majors by Career Counselors, and will have a chance to meet with UAS Advisors to declare their new major and receive advising towards the new majors. iDeclare will be hosted from 10 AM to 12:15 PM for the main event, and then 12:15 PM to 3:30 PM for the Virtual Kiosk where we will assist in helping students declare/change their major.

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Posted in Staff Announcements

Black History Month Movie Screening – SELMA

The FAU Libraries will offer an educational screening of the 2014 historical drama Selma in recognition of Black History Month. This event is free and open to the FAU community. Light refreshments will be served and include a discussion at the movie’s conclusion. Please register for an accurate count of attendees.
Posted in Staff Announcements

Help us help you – take the National College Health Assessment from your FAU email inbox

From February 1 – February 22, about 15,000 FAU students will be randomly chosen to speak up on behalf of all of FAU in the National College Health Assessment. Check your FAU email to see if you’ve been chosen! Help us help you–each survey completed helps FAU learn what health and wellness resources students need. Additionally, for each survey completed, one non-perishable food item will be donated to the FAU Beyond Food pantry to support the 47.6% of FAU students who report needing help affording food–we actually learned that data point from reviewing results from the last time we sent out this survey! Thank you for this contribution to the FAU community.

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Posted in Staff Announcements

Ask the Expert: How do I Commercialize My Research?

Date and time of event:
2/8/2022 1 to 2 p.m.

Join the Office of Technology Development for an in-depth discussion about how you can commercialize your research through license agreements, industry sponsored research and startup companies.

Guest speaker: Richard P. Swatloski, Ph.D., CLP Director and Compliance Practice Leader, TreMonti Consulting, LLC.


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Posted in Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

Healthy Campus Expo

The FAU Healthy Campus Expo Planning Committee is excited to host our annual Healthy Campus Expo resource fairs happening across two campuses during the Spring 2022 Week of Welcome calendar. The purpose of the Healthy Campus Expo is to kick-off the semester by connecting our students, faculty and staff to campus resources which can help support their health, wellbeing, and success. “Making the healthy choice the easy choice”.

Join us for the following events:

  • Davie Campus | Spring Welcome Festival | January 11, 2022 from 3:30pm-5:30pm | Diversity Way

Celebrate the new semester with activities, a resource fair and club fest while enjoying free food and groceries, music, giveaways, and fun! This event is sponsored by Campus Life and Student Government.

  • Boca Campus  | Healthy Campus Expo | January 13, 2022 from 10:30am – 1pm | SO-44, Social Science Building Rotunda
    • 10:30am: Walk/Roll/Stroll

Join us for a morning of fun, and walk, roll, or stroll through campus! Pre-registration not required. Nutritious and delicious snacks at the finish line!

    • 11:00am: Resource Fair

Earn Healthy Campus swag and groceries (students only) by checking out the many health-related student organizations, programs, and services available on campus!

    • Noon: Panel Discussion

Learn how students, faculty and staff are shaping a better future through research, scholarship, and community engagement on health policy, health equity and health economics.


Reasonable accommodation should be requested of the event sponsor: Owls Care Health Promotion at 561-297-1048 and or TTY Relay Station at 1-800-955-8770. Please make your needs known as soon as possible to allow sufficient time for effective accommodations, preferably 5 days before the date of this event.

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

Roadmap to a Traditional MBA Program

This program has dual functions as it provides undergrads with information about our graduate degrees and provides the current student with insight about how to leverage their degree in the workforce.


Posted in Staff Announcements

FAU Alert Test – October 5

Florida Atlantic University will test all components of the FAU Alert System on Tuesday, October 5.

At approximately 10:00 a.m., the outdoor warning sirens on the Boca Raton, Jupiter and Harbor Branch campuses will be activated. During this test, a loud siren sound and a spoken message will be heard across the campuses as well as in nearby neighborhoods and business areas. FAU apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause and thanks its campus neighbors in advance for understanding the importance of this testing process to both the University and the community at large.

Additionally, FAU’s University-wide email, text message alert, telephone alert, web alert, emergency hotlines, digital signage, desktop alerts and social media will be tested during the same time.

Users of the FAU Owl Ready App ( will also receive alerts.

Tests of the FAU Alert System will occur at least two times a year.

The FAU Alert System is designed to play a key role in keeping FAU’s students, faculty, staff and campus visitors safe during emergency situations. The University thanks everyone affected by these tests for showing patience and cooperation as they are carried out.

For more information on FAU Alert, please visit the Department of Emergency Management’s website at

Be Prepared, Be Safe, Be Owl Ready!

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

Faculty & Staff Lunch & Learn with Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse

The Owls Alliance Against Sexual Assault invites Faculty and Staff to join us for a professional lunch and learn with our local partners from Aid for Victims of Domestic Abuse. Learn how to better identify warning signs of violent relationships, engage and intervene within the scope of your professional role, and the supportive resources available to survivors in our community.

Friday, October 8th at noon:


Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements