In anticipation of Marvel Studios’ Avengers Infinity War, unite on a quest to locate the infinity stones at our scavenger hunt. Participants will compete for Fandango passes to see the film and various other Infinity War prizes.
2018-2019 Career Living Community Applications Available
Are you looking to gain internship experience and grow your professional skill set? Do you want to become more involved on campus and join an elite group of students? If so, we invite you to apply to become a part of the Career Living Community. This program is open to students who will have sophomore status by Fall 2018. For more information on the Career Living Community, visit the FAU Career Center website and/or email
Culture at Work: The Arts and Humanities In Today’s Workforce
Attend the Culture at Work: The Arts and Humanities In Today’s Workforce event on Wednesday, April 4 in the Performing Arts Bldg., Room 101, Boca Raton campus to hear from employers who will discuss career paths for students majoring in the Arts and Humanities.
Call for Volunteers | 2018 President’s Gala
Saturday, April 7th.
Click the link to sign up:
Social Work Career and Internship Fair (all majors welcome)
Are you looking for an internship or job in Social Work or a related field? Then attend the Social Work Career and Internship Fair on Monday, April 9 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. on the Boca Raton Breezeway. Dress professionally and bring multiple copies of your résumé. Log on to OWL CareerLink to view a complete list of attending employers.
College of Education Career Fair (all majors welcome)
Are you looking for a job in the Education field? Then attend the College of Education Career Fair on Tuesday, April 3 from 1 – 4 p.m. in the Grand Palm Room, Student Union, on the Boca Raton campus. Dress professionally and bring multiple copies of your résumé. Log on to OWL CareerLink to view a complete list of attending employers.
Do you want to be part of Festival of Nations?
The deadline to sign up to perform, table or volunteer is approaching soon. On Wednesday, March 28 we will close our registration form to participate (after that we will only be able to accept students/student groups on a very limited basis).To sign up to perform, reserve a table or volunteer for this year’s festival, visit the Festival of Nations webpage.
Tech Talk
Join us for a Student Union Engagement Series discussion on Tech Talk. Discover ways to use technology accessed as a student to be successful post-graduation. The event will be held on Tuesday, March 27 in Heritage Hall in the Davie Student Union.
“Forbidden: Undocumented and Queer in Rural America” Film, Monday, March 19
Forbidden is a feature-length documentary about an inspiring young man whose story is exceptional, although not unique. The film is presented by the FAU Diversity Platform in partnership with Fort Lauderdale PRIDE. You can view the film on Monday, March 19 from 1 – 4 p.m. in the House Chambers of the Boca Raton Student Union.
A six-day leadership experience that challenges participants to lead with integrity™. Participants explore not only what they want to do, but who they want to be. Space is limited. Apply to secure your spot today. Applications Due on Friday, March 30.