Intro to Micro-Internships @ FAU Career Center

Thursday, October 28th 2021, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Did you know the FAU Career Center has a new tool (Parker Dewey) for you to gain professional experience while making some side money on the side? Learn more about micro-internships – paid, project-based opportunities ranging from 10-40 hours. Students and recent graduates from all majors can execute professional assignments to build and demonstrate skills while exploring a variety of career paths. International students on CPT/OPT can engage in micro-internships.”

(Boca Raton Campus, SU Building, Room 220)

Posted in Student Announcements

SG’s Burrow 2.0

Join us for a night filled with singing, laughter, free food, prizes, AND games! 🎤🍔🕹 Boca Raton Student Government is hosting a night you won’t forget: 🦉Burrow 2.0🦉 The Burrow Bar & Grille, previously located where the eSports Arena is now, was a hot spot for food, fun, and more. We would like to bring those feel-good vibes back to you! Join the Throwback Thursday fun on October 21st from 7pm – 10pm in the Union. It’s a brand-new experience for some and a sense of nostalgia for others! Go OWLS! 💙🦉❤️

learn More: SG’s Burrow 2.0

Posted in Student Announcements

Roadmap to a Traditional MBA Program

This program has dual functions as it provides undergrads with information about our graduate degrees and provides the current student with insight about how to leverage their degree in the workforce.


Posted in Staff Announcements

FAU Alert Test – October 5

Florida Atlantic University will test all components of the FAU Alert System on Tuesday, October 5.

At approximately 10:00 a.m., the outdoor warning sirens on the Boca Raton, Jupiter and Harbor Branch campuses will be activated. During this test, a loud siren sound and a spoken message will be heard across the campuses as well as in nearby neighborhoods and business areas. FAU apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause and thanks its campus neighbors in advance for understanding the importance of this testing process to both the University and the community at large.

Additionally, FAU’s University-wide email, text message alert, telephone alert, web alert, emergency hotlines, digital signage, desktop alerts and social media will be tested during the same time.

Users of the FAU Owl Ready App ( will also receive alerts.

Tests of the FAU Alert System will occur at least two times a year.

The FAU Alert System is designed to play a key role in keeping FAU’s students, faculty, staff and campus visitors safe during emergency situations. The University thanks everyone affected by these tests for showing patience and cooperation as they are carried out.

For more information on FAU Alert, please visit the Department of Emergency Management’s website at

Be Prepared, Be Safe, Be Owl Ready!

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

Faculty & Staff Lunch & Learn with Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse

The Owls Alliance Against Sexual Assault invites Faculty and Staff to join us for a professional lunch and learn with our local partners from Aid for Victims of Domestic Abuse. Learn how to better identify warning signs of violent relationships, engage and intervene within the scope of your professional role, and the supportive resources available to survivors in our community.

Friday, October 8th at noon:


Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements

Suicide Prevention Speaker

World Suicide Prevention Day is September 10th, FAU is having a guest speaker in the Boca Raton Student Union on Sep 10 from 12:30 – 2pm. Stop by to hear a dynamic and powerful speaker Cyrus Ausar, He is the youngest recipient of the United Way’s Emerging Philanthropy Award and the Daymond Mumford Humanitarian Award.

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S. and the 2nd leading cause of death on college campuses. It is vital that students know they’re resources and warning signs to potentially save a life. To hear more about Suicide Prevention stop by the event on September 10th for more information please contact



Posted in Staff Announcements

Owls Alliance Against Sexual Assault: Do you need help?

Do you need help? Are you worried about a friend?

FAU has the support you need. FAU.EDU/REPORT
Reporting options to connect you with the right resources at FAU.

Posted in Staff Announcements

Emergency Grants Now Available to Summer 2021 Registered Students

Grants will be distributed to summer enrolled students who have faced significant unexpected expenses, such as the loss of employment (either for themselves or their families), reduced income, or food or housing insecurity. Students are invited to apply for this emergency grant by completing an online application that is available here.

We will begin to review these applications and award funds to eligible students during the week of August 9, 2021. This application is available to all students who are enrolled in at least one credit for the summer 2021 semester. Students do not need to be financial aid recipients to be eligible.

Note that funds are limited and may be awarded on a first come, first served basis. Completing the application is not a guarantee of funding. To be eligible for these emergency grants, students must meet the following criteria: Student has faced significant unexpected expenses, such as the loss of employment (either for themselves or their families, reduced income, or food or housing insecurity). Student is registered for at least one credit for the Summer 2021 semester.

For more information, visit

Posted in Student Announcements

LinkedIn 101: Creating and Getting the Most from your LinkedIn Profile

Tuesday, July 13, 2021, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Learn how to create a professional LinkedIn profile and effectively use LinkedIn as a job search and networking tool by attending an interactive workshop. You will receive a brief overview of how to utilize LinkedIn, see examples of complete LinkedIn profiles, then be able to build your own profile. You are welcome to work on your profile during the workshop.

Posted in Student Announcements

Summer 3 Move-In

To the University Community:

Summer 3 Move-In will take place Thursday, June 24 through Saturday, June 26, from 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. First Time in College (FTIC) students and families are moving into Heritage Park Towers and returning students to Innovation Village Apartments South.

As a requirement for move-in, students will be tested for COVID-19.  The testing location is in Garage II from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Expect increased traffic in the areas surrounding the residential facilities and testing area during those times.

To accommodate for setup and breakdown, Garage II will close Friday, June 18, at 5 p.m. All cars need to park at other locations until the garage reopens on Tuesday, June 29.

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements