Planned Power Outage – Saturday, May 22

To the University Community:

Facilities Management /Engineering & Utilities will be conducting power shutdowns to replace feeders 5 & 6 located in Building 5, Central Energy Plant. The power outage is scheduled for Saturday, May 22 at 3 a.m. Power will be reinstated no later than 6 a.m. on Saturday, May 22.

The affected buildings are as follows:

• New Housing Dorm (Atlantic Park Towers #111)
• 8W(SS) Student Health Services
• 31(UN) Complex including the Dining Hall
• 11,11A(FH,FW) Athletic Field House Pool & West
• 36(EG) Engineering West
• 38(GY) Arena
• 46(SH) Student Housing Services
• 67(AC) Tom Oxley Athletic Center
• 70(IR) Indian River Towers – Commons Bldg.
• 80(SU) Student Support Services Facility
• 89(HP) Heritage Park Towers – Community Bldg.
• 92(GP) Glades Park Towers
• 97(CU) Culture and Society

FAU Engineering & Utilities staff will be onsite throughout the shutdown. For further questions, contact Patrick Cheung at

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements

Baptist Health Community Vaccination Site at FAU Boca Raton Campus

To the FAU community,

Baptist Health will host a community vaccination site in the Live Oak Pavilion of the Student Union on FAU’s Boca Raton campus on Thursday, May 13, and Thursday, May 20, from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Vaccinations will be available only for those 16 years of age or older.

Appointments are not required. The first vaccine dose will be administered and recipients will be advised of return dates for the second dose.

All members of the university community are strongly encouraged to Protect Your Owl Family and get vaccinated. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently amended COVID-19 guidance for the general population. The new guidance both encourages vaccination and offers new parameters for those who have already been vaccinated.


Following safety protocols and public health recommendations will help limit COVID-19 on our campuses, as well as in our local communities. Stay home if you are sick or experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19. Students and employees need to continue reporting to Student Health Services (561-297-3512, select option 3) if experiencing COVID-19 or flu symptoms, are exposed to COVID-19 (even if out of the area) or test positive for COVID-19.

General questions related to the COVID-19 situation should be directed to All feedback is shared with applicable departments across FAU campuses to ensure adjustments as necessary. Visit the FAU coronavirus website for additional information.

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

Scholarship opportunity for male students

The FAU Fraternity & Sorority Community is thrilled to be welcoming Beta Theta Pi fraternity back to campus in Fall 2021. In preparation for their return, Beta Theta Pi is offering $1,000 in scholarships designated for non-Greek male students at Florida Atlantic University. Applications are due May 16, 2021.

Click for more information.

Posted in Student Announcements

Need Money To Buy Books?

The SUMMER 2021 Short-Term Advance Application will be available on MyFAU (click on Money Matters tile) on April 26 2021. If ALL eligibility criteria are met, (see

  • Short-Term Advances for students starting Summer 2021 classes on May 8, 2021 will begin to disburse May 4th 2021.
  • Short-Term Advances for students starting Summer 2021 classes on May 15, 2021 will begin to disburse May 11th 2021
  • Short-Term Advances for students starting Summer 2021 classes on June 26, 2021 will begin to disburse June 22nd 2021

Learn More:

Posted in Student Announcements

Gender Unicorn Crafting

The gender unicorn is a learning tool used to teach about themes related to gender identity, gender expression, sex assigned at birth, and sexual orientation. During our crafting event, we’ll discuss these concepts as you create your very own gender unicorn.


Posted in Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

It’s On Us 2021 | April 12 – 16

Take action in FAU’s annual campaign highlighting awareness on sexual violence and community prevention. Details at www.fau/edu/campuslife/itsonus and on the MyFAU mobile app!

Posted in Staff Announcements

FREE HIV testing on Tuesdays!

Know your status in just 15 minutes! Join Owls Care in the Schmidt Family Complex (across the street from Campus Recreation) for FREE HIV testing on Tuesdays between 9am and 2pm.

For more information and to make an appointment visit:


Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

Black History Month (Upcoming Events)

Black Museum

Monday, February 22, from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.         

Boca Raton campus, Grand Palm

Presented by SG Multicultural Programming and Black Student Union

Attendees will be able to take observation of a display of historical artifacts that teach the true essence of Black history via a traveling museum with the mission of preserving and educating the masses about Black culture. This is a fun, interactive Black tie event. Masks are required and social distancing guidelines will be observed.

For more information, contact Arismendis Altagracia (AJ), SG Multicultural Programming, 954-842-9783 |

The Challenges of Identifying as “Mixed Race”

Tuesday, February 23 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  

Presented by Black Student Union – Boca Raton

This event will focus on the identity challenges of individuals that identify as mixed race with Black/African American being one of the racialized identities.

For more information, contact Kennedy McKinney, Black Student Union, 904-415-6867 |

The Black Family: Representation, Identity and Diversity

Wednesday, February 24 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Presented by Center for Inclusion, Diversity Education and Advocacy and Office of Black Student Success and Initiatives

 The Black family has been a topic of study in many disciplines such as history, literature, the visual arts and film studies, sociology, anthropology, and social policy. Join us for an aesthetic dialogue with Assistant Professor Melanie Acosta grounded in the centrality of what the Black family means culturally, historically, politically, socially, and spiritually.

For more information, contact David Bynes, Center for IDEAs, 561-297-3959 | 

 Black History Month Keynote Address

Tuesday, February 25 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Presented by the Center for Inclusion, Diversity Education, and Advocacy (IDEAs) and Office of Black Student Success and Initiatives

Please join us for the Black History Keynote Address featuring Jamila Lyiscott, a social justice education scholar, nationally renowned speaker, spoken word artist, and educational consultant.

For more information, contact David Bynes, Center for IDEAs, 561-297-3959 |


Broward Campuses:

The Hate You Give LGBTQ+ Individuals

Thursday, Feb. 25 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.    

Davie campus                                                   

Meeting ID: 882 9352 5899 Passcode: LssL8y      

Presented by Broward Campus Life

In honor of Black History Month, join us for a panel discussion to discuss the challenges BIPOC LGBTQ+ members have faced and the importance of unity in these communities. Students will engage with wave makers that can change their peers’ and family members’ perspectives. At this event, we wish to honor pioneers of black transgender activism such as Marsha P. Johnson.

For more information, contact Francine Coker, Broward Campus Life, 954-236-1467 |


Jupiter Campus:

Night of Spoken Word and “FreeQuency” Poetry Workshop  

Friday, February 26 from 6-8p.m.       

Jupiter campus, North Rec Field       

Presented by Jupiter Program Board and Jupiter Campus Life

Join us for an evening of spoken word followed by a poetry workshop with Kenyan, immigrant, storyteller, Mwende “FreeQuency” Katwiwa. FreeQuency’s work
interrogates and occupies the in between spaces of gender and geography while
exploring the mundane nuances and stark contradictions of everyday
existence as a Black migrant non-binary humanoid. Register at

For more information, contact Irene Gatimi, Jupiter Program Board, 913-271-9323 |

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

Tunnel Vision – Davie Campus

Dates: Jan 19-21
Time:11 a.m. -2 p.m.

Explore the systems and forms of oppression directly impacting domestic and global social justice issues. The interactive displays provide a one of a kind, multi-sensory experience for those in attendance.

Posted in Student Announcements

Join A Student Organization!

Join us for Owl Involved on January 26, 27, & 28 from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm on the Administration and Housing Lawn.
We will feature 50 different Registered Student Organizations each day representing each of our five councils: Sports Club, Special Interest, Multicultural & Spiritual, Fraternity & Sorority Life, and Academic! Now is the time to get involved and gain leadership experience with a registered student organization. Organizations get up to $500 in funding to host events each semester, RSVP for Owl Involved now by clicking here.
Posted in Student Announcements