Shipmonk Information Session – May 28 at noon

Please join Shipmonk as they host their Virtual Information Session on Thursday, May 28 from noon – 1 p.m.

Shipmonk will highlight their current openings, including their Marketing Response

Customer Service and Warehouse Associate  positions.

Additionally, Shipmonk will provide you with an enlightening, fun and honest glimpse, into their store’s culture; highlighting what it’s like to work at Shipmonk and the impact you have on their people, their customers and their business.

RSVP on Handshake.

Posted in Student Announcements

A Message from the President – COVID-19 Update #15

As I’m sure you are all aware, most counties in Florida have begun to lift restrictions and have entered into a Phase I recovery. However, FAU’s operations have not changed since the university began this period of remote learning and remote working. Remote instruction will continue through at least the Summer III session, which runs from June 27 through Aug. 7. Remote working continues until further notice.

While we monitor state and local conditions, many members of the FAU community are formulating our return-to-work and in-person instruction plans. Our re-opening will be a phased return, and follow all appropriate guidance and health recommendations. This information will be communicated at the appropriate time.

Until then, the university has implemented a few safety measures to help protect the FAU community while on our campuses.

For those who need to visit our campuses, either regularly or periodically, please wear face coverings in public areas when physical distancing is not possible. Face coverings are required when in close proximity to others, in restrooms and elevators, and when using FAU transportation. Do not overcrowd any of these spaces. Face coverings, which should be kept with you at all times, can be handmade, such as those fashioned from a scarf, bandana or handkerchief, or tee-shirt.

Physical distancing remains the best way to slow the spread of COVID-19. Remain at least six feet away from others and continue to use electronic forms of communications in lieu of in-person meetings whenever possible. Keep your hands clean with soap and water or hand sanitizer. Also, everyone is responsible for keeping their own office space sanitized. High touch points should be cleaned every two hours.

I greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation. It is everyone’s responsibility to help prevent the spread of this virus.

Remember, if you are feeling unwell, stay home! And if you are experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19, please seek medical attention immediately.

Students receiving a positive test result for COVID-19 must notify Student Health Services as soon as possible. The number is 561-297-3512 (after hours, please select option 3). All faculty and staff must notify Human Resources. The department can be reached by calling 561-297-3076 or by email at Your supervisor also should be notified.

Finally, regularly check our dedicated COVID-19 website for updates. Information related to the COVID-19 pandemic is changing often.



John Kelly



Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

Cooped Up Convo: Connect with various staff from FAU Broward campuses

Chat with representatives from each of the colleges on the Broward Campuses about how education has changed as a result of the pandemic. Ask questions about your degree and how the colleges are maintaining the integrity of education for FAU students.

May 21, 2020
4 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Google Meet:

Posted in Student Announcements

A Message from the President – COVID-19 Update #14

Today’s message is focused on one topic: Our May Commencement ceremonies that were postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

I consider commencement a fundamental component of the educational experience at FAU. I want to assure our May graduates that every effort will be made to provide the opportunity to participate in a future commencement ceremony when it’s safe again to gather in large numbers.

Guided by a dedicated faculty, our students worked hard and achieved much during their time at FAU, and I am determined to give as many as possible the complete commencement experience.

While we won’t be able to gather next week, it is important we celebrate the accomplishments of FAU’s newest class of graduates, even in these exceptional circumstances. To that end, we will begin Celebrating the Spring Class of 2020 on Wednesday, May 6. A special website will include a listing of all graduates by college, feature student and faculty videos, include a social media feed, and more. Other highlights will be shared during a week-long social media campaign.

I don’t want to spoil the surprises, so stay tuned and I will provide more information next week.

I encourage all our graduates, along with their friends and families, to post graduation photos and favorite FAU memories by using #FAUgrad so we can celebrate virtually.

Congratulations, Class of 2020. We are very proud of you.

Go Owls!

John Kelly





Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

A Message from the President – COVID-19 Update #13

As the university continues to adjust its operations in response to COVID-19, the health and safety of everyone associated with FAU remains the top priority. To that end, complete remote learning will continue until at least the end of the Summer III session. All classes will be taught through remote delivery.

Summer III begins June 27 and ends Aug. 7. Operations related to our fall semester will be communicated as information becomes available.

While these decisions may be disappointing to some people, the university is taking these steps to help prevent further spread of this coronavirus within our communities.

As we continue with remote learning, our Office of Information Technology recently introduced a Keep Learning tool designed to help students make the shift to remote learning. This useful resource will help our students navigate this period.

Please remember, if you are feeling unwell, and especially if you are experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19, seek medical attention immediately.

If you receive a positive test result, all students must notify Student Health Services as soon as possible. The number is 561-297-3512 (after hours, please select option 3). All faculty and staff must notify Human Resources. The department can be reached by calling 561-297-3076 or by email at Your supervisor also should be notified.

And, please practice social distancing and regularly check our dedicated COVID-19 website for updates.



John Kelly


Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

A Message from the President – COVID-19 Update #12

For those celebrating this weekend, Happy Easter and Happy Passover. I hope everyone is able to stay healthy during this time, and that you can stay connected with those dear to you.

Today, I am happy to announce that Florida Atlantic University has established a COVID-19 Leave Donation Plan. The plan allows qualified employees to donate accrued leave (annual leave or sick leave) into a pool for use by leave-earning employees adversely affected by this public health emergency.

Examples of hardship include personal medical emergencies, quarantine mandates, or the inability to work or work remotely. Generally, employees who are most likely to benefit from an initiative like this are our lower salaried staff. I hope those of you who are able to donate hours will consider doing so.

All the information about donating leave and requesting donated leave can be found here.

For general assistance with policies, procedures and COVID-19 inquiries, please contact FAU’s Human Resources department at or 561-297-3057.

You may remember from a previous message that our Office of Information Technology recently introduced a Keep Learning tool designed to help students make the shift to remote learning.

We now have a companion Keep Teaching tool designed for faculty who are making the transition to an open-ended period of remote course delivery. I hope you find the resources available here useful.

Please remember, if you are feeling unwell, and especially if you are experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19, seek medical attention immediately.

If you receive a positive test result, all students must notify Student Health Services as soon as possible. The number is 561-297-3512 (after hours, please select option 3). All faculty and staff must notify Human Resources. The department can be reached by calling 561-297-3076 or by email at Your supervisor also should be notified.

And, please practice social distancing and regularly check our dedicated COVID-19 website for updates.


John Kelly


Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

Update: FAU Libraries’ Loan Time

With the FAU Libraries’ facilities remaining closed until further notice, all items currently borrowed have an extended due date of May 30, 2020. Should you have any questions about items you have checked out, please contact or 561-297-6911.

Even though our buildings are closed, library staff is still available for assistance. Please click here for faculty resources and don’t forget Lib2Go, our listing of remote services and resources.

Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements

A Message from the President – COVID-19 Update #11

I hope everyone is working through the challenges we all face during this difficult time. Today there is an important update.

On March 18, 2020, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act and the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act were signed into law. Both laws go into effect today. For more information about these COVID-19-related employment laws, including eligibility requirements and a benefits summary that relate to Florida Atlantic University employees click here. Please contact FAU’s Human Resources department at 561-297-3072 or via email at if you have any questions.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that our professionals at Counseling and Psychological Services stand ready to provide confidential help to any student who needs assistance. Therapists are available 24 hours a day. The number for these services is 561-297-3540. Faculty and staff may seek help through the Employee Assistance Program. This number is 1-800-865-3200.

On a lighter note, with many of you taking classes or conducting meetings via video, we have produced some FAU-related backgrounds for you to use. Visit this link to download them.

Again, please remember, if you are feeling unwell, and especially if you are experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19, seek medical attention immediately.

If you receive a positive test result, all students must notify Student Health Services as soon as possible. The number is 561-297-3512 (after hours, please select option 3). All faculty and staff must notify Human Resources. The department can be reached by calling 561-297-3076 or by email at Your supervisor also should be notified.

And, please practice social distancing and regularly check our dedicated COVID-19 website for updates.


John Kelly



Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

What is Social Distancing?

Social Distancing is a set of non-pharmaceutical infection control actions intended to stop or slow down the spread of a contagious disease.

Examples of Social Distancing in action are:

  1. Working from home whenever possible
  2. Travel only when necessary
  3. Avoid Social Venues like cinemas and clubs
  4. Avoid gatherings of large groups
  5. Restrict visitors
  6. If you go out in public, maintain a safe distance from others – usually 6-7 feet apart.
Posted in Faculty Announcements, Staff Announcements, Student Announcements

Remote Professor Office Hours

Even though courses have been moved to online for the rest of the semester, your professors are still accessible at your disposal through Office Hours. That’s right, you can still talk and have meeting with your professor remotely from the comfort of your own place of residence. Make sure to connect with your professor over email to schedule an online meeting to discuss course material, concerns, and general question.

Posted in Student Announcements