We have received reports of a network outage in building 96. We are currently investigating the cause and working to resolve as soon as possible.
We have received reports of a network outage in building 96. We are currently investigating the cause and working to resolve as soon as possible.
Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 10/04/2018 from 12:00 AM to 7:00 AM during OIT maintenance window. In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted:
Identify Management
Description of change: Add HIPAA role to Oracle Identity Manager and sync to OUD
Downtime window start: 12:00 AM
Downtime window end: 7:00 AM
Affected services: Oracle Identity Manager
Affected systems: boc22oimp
Expected End-user impact: Password changes may be delayed a few minutes during the time. No services will be restarted.
Application Maintenance – Forms.fau.edu user and role sync
Description of change: OIT will begin syncing all Employees and their roles into forms.fau.edu’s database one per day.
Downtime window start: 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 3:00 AM
Affected services: forms.fau.edu
Affected systems: frevvo server
Expected End-user impact: During this time there is no end-user impact. After the change, users will be able to accurately route forms to employees as needed.
Server Maintenance
Description of change: OIT will be performing maintenance on its server infrastructure.
Downtime window start: 4:00 AM
Downtime window end: 5:30 AM
Affected services: DHCP, DNS, SSO, Network Monitoring, EDURoam
Affected systems: dhcpboc1, dhcpboc18, dnsboc1, ldapboc1-el6, overwatch, shibboleth2p, tatooine, boc96hv01, boc96hv02, boc96esxi01, boc96esxi02
Expected End-user impact: Affected services may either be down or partially degraded.
Password changes are working as intended at this time.
We are currently experiencing issues with Password changes/resets. We recommend holding off changing your password until further notice.
We are working quickly to resolve as soon as possible.
We appreciate your patience during this time.
There appears to be some intermittent issues accessing Office 365 services at this time. We are monitoring the status with Microsoft and will post any updates as we receive them.
Update from Microsoft:
User impact:
Users may be unable to authenticate or connect to the Office 365 service.
Latest message:
Title: Unable to access Office365 services User Impact: Users may be unable to authenticate or connect to the Office 365 service. Current status: We’ve determined that a data center issue caused a subset of the Office 365 service to become degraded. We’re connecting some of the affected services to an alternate infrastructure, while remediating the underlying issue within the datacenter. Scope of impact: Impact is specific to a subset of users who are served through the affected infrastructure. Start time: Tuesday, September 4, 2018, at 9:09 AM UTC Preliminary root cause: A data center issue caused a subset of the Office 365 service to become degraded.
Issue has been resolved. Password changes and resets are back to normal.
We are currently experiencing issues with Password changes/resets. We recommend holding off changing your password until further notice.
We are working quickly to resolve as soon as possible.
We appreciate your patience during this time.
Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 7/19/2018 from 5:00 AM to 6:00 AM during OIT maintenance window. In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted:
Identity Mangement
Description of change: Adding additional support for Canvas and Banner Security accounts.
Downtime window start: 5:00 AM
Downtime window end: 6:00 AM
Affected services: Identity Mangement
Affected systems: boc22oimp1, boc22oimp2
Expected End-user impact: Users of Canvas and Banner Security accounts should see improved seamless support for their accounts. No additional action is required by these users.
Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 7/5/2018 from 3:00 AM to 8:00 AM during OIT maintenance window. In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted:
Server Upgrade and Maintenance
Description of change: OIT will be upgrading the components of several systems to resolve bugs and add support for newer hardware.
Downtime window start: 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 6:00 AM
Affected Services: ADFS, Shibboleth, Banner DR
Affected systems: andisecbigipnw, dhcpnwrdc1, dnsnw1, ds2p, eprintnw, exchangeca04, exchangemb05, jenkins, ldapnw1-el6, lintalon1nw, lists, madcatdr, metadatadr, nautilus, nwadfs, nwadfs.fau.cc, nwadfsp, nwadfsp.fau.cc, nwchessboard, nwdns, nwmgmt, nwmssql11, nwmssql12, nwnasmvi, nwoudd01, nwoudp01, nwoudt01, nwoudt02, nwrdcbanxe01, nwrdcbanxe02, nwrdcbanxe03, nwrdcbanxe04, nwrdcbanxe05, nwrdcnaconv, nwrdcoimp1, nwrdcoimp2, nwrdcoimwebp1, nwrdcoimwebp2, nwrdcora01, nwrdcuachieve1, nwrdcvcenter1, nwrdslic, sctformsdr, sctformsdr2, shibboleth3p, talonnw, wordpressnw
Expected End-user impact: No end user impact is expected
Library fileserver maintenance
Description of change: The library’s file server will undergo hardware maintenance
Downtime window start: 6:00 AM
Downtime window end: 6:30 AM
Affected services: All file shares on boc22libfs
Affected systems: boc22libfs
Expected End-user impact: file shares on boc22libfs will be unavailable during the window
Change Mail Transport Rule
Description of change: OIT will be making a change to the College of Medicine’s mail transport rule.
Downtime window start: 8:00 AM
Downtime window end: 8:00 AM
Affected services: Exchange Online / Office 365 mail
Affected systems: Exchange Online / Office 365 mail
Expected End-user impact: None.
The payment system is back up and tuition payments can now be made. The payment deadline has been extended until July 3rd.
At this time, we have identified an issue with tuition payments. We have notified the vendor and are further investigating.
We will post an update as soon as we have additional information regarding an ETA.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
The ANDI shared network drives are back online. If you are still disconnected, please reboot your computer or manually map the network drive.
We have received reports of users who lost access to their ANDI shared drives and are currently investigating the issue.
We are working to resolve as soon as possible and will update as we have additional information.
Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 2/8/2017 from 3:00 AM to 9:00 AM during OIT maintenance window. In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted:
Patch Tomcat FAU Apps
Description of change: Applying latest patches for Apache Tomcat servers
Downtime window start: 5:00 AM
Downtime window end: 6:00 AM
Affected services: FAU Fin Aid Quiz, Account Self Service, ACH Payments
Affected systems: tuna1p.fau.edu, tuna2p.fau.edu, boc22oimwebp1.fau.edu, boc22oimwebp2.fau.edu
Expected End-user impact: Users may lose access to websites running services.
Security Enhancements for public facing web sites
Description of change: We are changing the cryptographic protocols that are allowed for the Banner production web sites that are public facing. Beginning on the 8th only TLS 1.2 will be allowed to those sites.
Downtime window start: 6:00 AM
Downtime window end: 7:00 AM
Affected services: All public Banner web sites (SSB, Ban XE, INB)
Affected systems:
Expected End-user impact: Clients will need to be running an OS/Browser that supports TLS 1.2 to connect to the services hosted on these systems.
Email Auditing Change
Description of change: We will be enabling mailbox auditing for office 365 mailboxes.
Downtime window start: 8:00 AM
Downtime window end: 9:00 AM
Affected services: Office 365/ Exchange Online
Affected systems: Office 365/ Exchange Online
Expected End-user impact: This will only be done to OIT users in Office 365 (members of FAU-GRP-V-OIT in active directory).
Email Security Change
Description of change: We will be changing the way DKIM signs messages for fau.edu email addresses.
Downtime window start: 8:00 AM
Downtime window end: 9:00 AM
Affected services: Office 365/ Exchange Online
Affected systems: Office 365/ Exchange Online
Expected End-user impact: none