Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 04/12/2018 from 3:00 AM to 7:00 AM during OIT maintenance window. In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted:
Student Printing Service Upgrade.
Description of change: OIT will be upgrading Papercut production servers from 16.4 to 18.0.4. This is due in part to fix TLS 1.2 issues with MFD devices as well as add 3D printing capabilities.
Downtime window start: 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 6:00 AM
Affected services: Papercut printing.
Affected systems: Boc22pcapp01, Boc22pcapp02, Boc22pcprt01, Boc22pclyprt01, Jup17pcprt01, Dav90pcprt01, Ftlbc04pcprt01, Boc22pcoffice01.
Expected End-user impact: During this time, Papercut printing will be unavailable
Account Claiming Self Service Update
Description of change: OIT will be updating the Account claiming service to provide improved user experience.
Downtime window start: 5:00 AM
Downtime window end: 5:00 AM
OIT Units involved in the change FAU Apps
Affected services: Account Self Service
Affected systems: boc22oimwebp1, boc22oimwebp2
Expected End-user impact: None
Systems maintenance
Description of change: OIT will be restarting several systems for maintenance
Downtime window start: 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 3:30 AM
Affected services: Graduate Admission Application (, external DNS,, User Services account tool, eGrades, Jira and Confluence, College of Science web, College of Med web, uachieve, EZProxy, Filelocker, IDM, HPC, Networking, configuration backup tool
Affected systems: appadmin, as5, boc22canvascli, boc22frevvoctr, boc22mysql02, boc22ora02, boc22ora04, boc22payaradp, boc22payaranp01, boc22uachieve1, boc22vm102vrt101mrtg, chessboard, chessboard-el7-2, comvmweb01, cosweb1, dsr1, ezproxyweb, filelocker2, gitlab, hpc, idm2, madcat1p, marketing, napalm, ns, ns1, ugapp2, ugapp4, ugapp5
Expected End-user impact: During this time, some of the listed services may be unavailable for a few minutes
Server Maintenance
Description of change: OIT is applying a patch to enhance functionality of the VIP Content management system
Downtime window start: 5:30 AM
Downtime window end: 6:30 AM
Affected services: VIP Content Management System
Affected systems: (Boc22coex01)
Expected End-user impact: During this time the VIP system will be unavailable.
Load balancer maintenance
Description of change: OIT will be changing the monitor on bigip that checks to see if the production oud servers are up.
Downtime window start: 6:30 AM
Downtime window end: 7:00 AM
Affected services: None
Affected systems: boc22oudp01 and boc22oudp02
Expected End-user impact: During this time, no end-user impact is expected
Server Upgrade and Maintenance
Description of change: OIT will be upgrading the components of several systems to resolve bugs and add support for newer hardware.
Downtime window start: 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 7:00 AM
Affected services: All services
Affected systems: adcon, adrms, andisec, ansible, appadmin, as2, as4, as5, banpocbep, banpocdb, banpocidm, banpocjs, banpoclp, banpocwkflw, banpocwl, banpocxe1, bba1, bba2, bba3, bba4, bbda1, bbda2, bbloracle, bblt3sp10, bbm1, boc22aajc, boc22aalmgr, boc22aasiemens1, boc22aaweb, boc22adfs, boc22adfsp, boc22aptven, boc22asmt, boc22azadc, boc22banxe01-30, boc22banxealt01-08, boc22canvascli, boc22cm102srv1, boc22cm102vrt101mrtg, boc22coex01, boc22coex02, boc22dellome, boc22dms02, boc22dns, boc22frevvoctr, boc22jamfccm, boc22jamfim, boc22jmeter, boc22jmeter2, boc22keytracer, boc22kofaxcap, boc22mbes, boc22mssql21, boc22mssql22, boc22mssql31, boc22mssql32, boc22mssql41, boc22mssql42, boc22mssqldev1, boc22mssqldev2, boc22mssqltald1, boc22mssqltald2, boc22mssqltalp1, boc22mssqltalp2, boc22mysql02, boc22nxtcloudd1, boc22oars, boc22oimccp1
boc22ora01, boc22ora02, boc22ora03, boc22ora04, boc22ora05, boc22ora06, boc22ora07, boc22ora09, boc22ora10, boc22payaradp, boc22payaranp01, boc22payaranp02, boc22pcapp01, boc22pcapp01dev, boc22pcapp02, boc22pcapp02dev, boc22pclyprt01, boc22pcoffice01, boc22pcprt01, boc22redis1p, boc22redis2p, boc22redis3p, boc22sacs, boc22sasdoa, boc22sasdt,
boc22saspoa, boc22satrane, boc22sccm, boc22snapc, boc22talweb2, boc22uachieve1, boc22vcenter1, boc22w7dev1, boc22w7dev2,
boc22w81dev1, boc22w81dev2, boc22w8dev2, boc22wapportal, boc22wapspf, boc22web5, boc22whatsup, bocca01, cardaccess, carenet, cas1t, chessboard, chessboard-el7-2, comvmadi01, comvmpsql1, comvmsql01, comvmweb01, comvmweb1, comvmwebdev1, controller, cosweb1, cuttlefish, dhcpboc17, dsr1-6, duo, eprint2, eprint-ol6, exchangeca03, ezproxyweb, faasadvisor, fauappsrv2, filelocker1, filelocker2, filelockerd01, filelockerd02, freeze, frevvo1, frevvo1t, frevvo2t, frevvot, gitlab, hpc, idm1nw, idm2, idm4p, idmgatewaynw, iss, issdev, jenkins2, kube1, kube2, kube3, kube4, ldapboc0, ldapboc0-el6, libweb-live, lintalon0, lintalon1, lists, ls-matlab, ls-medmodel, ,ls-osd, ls-snap, madcat1p, marketing, mcclient, mcoracle, migrate365, modena, napalm, ns, ns1, OracleEM, pinetree, pinky, piwik1, r25-webservice, remotecon, s164n14, s165n113, s165n15, sacs, sctaltcache1, sctaltcache2, sctaltcache3, sctaltcache4, sctaltcache5, sctaltcache6, sctcache1, sctcache2, sctcache3, sctcache4, sctcache5, sctcache6, sepiidae, shibboleth1p, shib-proxy1, shoutcast, spacewalk, starfish, talonx2, tuna2p, ugapp1, ugapp2, ugapp3, ugapp4, ugapp5, vcdb, vcrecorder, wildflymc1, wildflymc2, wordpress, wordpress2, XenAPP00, XenAPP01, XenAPP02, XenAPP-Office, XenAppVDA1, XenAppVDA2, XenDelCont1, XenDelCont2, XenDirector, XenLIC, XenSF1, XenSF2, XenStoreF1, XenStoreF2, XenZDC1, XenZDC2, yakko, bannerprd, banoradev, bbloraclealt, odsprod, odstest, boc22sas1, boc22sas2, boc22sas3, boc22sas4, boc22sast1, boc22sast2, boc22sast3, boc22sast4, boc22esxi01, boc22esxi02
Expected End-user impact: During this time, no end user impact is expected