[RESOLVED] – Malwarebytes Update causing network connectivity issues


Today at 1:55PM, Malwarebytes released v.12 update that has fixed the network connectivity problem. OIT has tested the update and can confirm that it resolves the issues.

We highly recommend rebooting your computer at your earliest convenience after the update is installed.

If you continue to experience issues, please contact the OIT Help Desk for assistance.
561.297.3999 or helpdesk.fau.edu



Earlier today Malwarebytes released a signature update that is causing computers to lose network connectivity. This is a widespread issue and are affecting anyone who has Malwarebytes installed.

The temporary workaround is to disable Malicious Web Protection under Settings. This will restore network connectivity. Once Malwarebytes releases a new update the Malicious Web Protection feature should be turned on again.

We will be monitoring the status of this issue and apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.


Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Educational Technologies, Email, Instructional Technologies, Network and Telecom, Systems, Uncategorized, Workday

Single Sign On System Maintenance

The University Single Sign On System will briefly undergo maintenance from 12:10 am to 12:20 am Saturday January 27. During this period users may be unable to login to Workday, Banner Self Service, Google Applications, Office 365, Ezproxy, and other Single Sign On supported services.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Educational Technologies, Instructional Technologies, Network and Telecom, Systems, Video Conferencing, Workday

[Resolved] Frevvo is currently down

Frevvo has now been restored, as have the dependent services.


The Frevvo form server is currently down.  This impacts, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Graduate Admissions Application
  • Undergraduate Admissions Application
  • Frevvo forms created under the fau.edu tenant

We are currently investigating the cause and will provide updates as they are available.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Educational Technologies, Systems, Workday

Potential Issues Connecting to the Campus VPN

VPN users connecting to the VPN may encounter an error that says “Authentication Rejected by Server” when they attempt to connect to the VPN. This is caused by a bug introduced in a recent Windows Update patch. If you encounter this error, upgrade your VPN client by downloading a new version from the VPN webpage. The VPN webpage is accessible from the OIT homepage. If you do not encounter the problem, and are prompted by the VPN to upgrade your client, allow it to do so to avoid potential issues in the future.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Network and Telecom, Systems, Workday

Single Sign On Update

The single sign on system will be updated at 1 am November 10, 2017. This may briefly affect users authenticating to Workday, Canvas, OwlApps, and other services.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Educational Technologies, Email, Instructional Technologies, Lecture Capture, Systems, Video Conferencing, Workday

OIT System Maintenance – Thurs. Oct 19 from 3:00AM to 7:00AM

Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 10/19/2017 from 3:00 AM to 7:00 AM during OIT maintenance window.  In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted:


Server Maintenance – Virtualapps system maintenance 
Description of change:  A security update is being applied to the system
Downtime window start: 5:00 AM
Downtime window end: 6:00 AM
Affected services:  virtualapps.fau.edu
Affected systems: netscaler gateway for virtualapps
Expected End-user impact: During this time, users will be unable to use any virtual apps that are being served out by the virtualapps.fau.edu site.


Server Maintenance – Windows configuration and deployment system upgrade 
Description of change: The system providing configuration, deployment and updates to Windows clients will be upgraded to a newer OS version​
Downtime window start: 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 6:00 AM
Affected services: OS deployments, app installs, windows updates from SCCM
Affected systems: boc22sccm
Expected End-user impact: During this time, all OS deployments, app installs, windows updates from SCCM will be unavailable

Application Maintenance – Workday Location Improvements 
Description of change:  We are deploying changes that will improve accuracy to our Workday Locations information provided by our Campus Operations and Building management team.
Downtime window start: 5:00 AM
Downtime window end: 6:00 AM
Affected services: Workday, AssetWorks,
Affected systems: boc22devproc, Workday
Expected End-user impact: During this time, no end user impact is expected

Server Maintenance – Banner Upgrades/Patches
Description of change: OIT will be installing several Banner upgrades and patch releases on Thursday, October 19, 2017.
The Financial Aid office has requested the installation of the Financial Aid administrative version 9.3.4 administrative pages as a means to bring production up-to-date for distribution of funds. These releases serve as pre-requisites and co-requisites for the requested administrative pages.
Pre-Requisite releases: General 8.9.2 upgrade and patch, Admin Common version9.3.7 administrative pages, General version 9.3.5 administrative pages, Financial Aid version 9.3.4 administrative pages
Co-Requisite releases: Student 8.13.2 upgrade, Student 9.3.6 administrative pages, Accounts Receivable 8.5.3 upgrade, Accounts Receivable 9.3.4 administrative pages
Downtime window start: 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 7:00 AM
Affected services: All Banner Services
Affected systems: Banner
Expected End-user impact: During this time, users may not be able to connect to Banner.


Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Systems, Workday

University Form Server Maintenance

The University Form server (forms.fau.edu) must be taken offline for immediate maintenance from 9:30 pm to 10:30 pm September 28, 2017. During the maintenance process many forms used across the University will be unavailable including the Undergraduate Admissions Application, Graduate Admissions Application, Immunization Form, parts of Employee On-boarding, and numerous others.

We will update this post once the maintenance is completed.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Educational Technologies, Instructional Technologies, Systems, Workday

9 pm Single Sign On Maintenance

The Single Sign On system will be adjusted at 9 pm September 15th to improve reliability. During the adjustment users may experience a brief period of 1 – 2 minutes when authentication errors may fail.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Educational Technologies, Email, Instructional Technologies, Network and Telecom, Systems, Workday

[RESOLVED] Login issues


The login issue has been resolved and you should be able to login to all systems at this time.

Thank you for your patience while we addressed the problem.



We are currently experiencing login issues. This impacts, but is not limited to, Banner, Workday, MyFAU, Networkregistration, eGrades, and EZProxy.

Our team are working to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.


Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Educational Technologies, Email, Instructional Technologies, Network and Telecom, Systems, Uncategorized, Workday

OIT Systems Maintenance, Thurs. Sept 7 from 3:00AM to 7:00AM

Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 09/07/2017 from 3:00 AM to 7:00 AM during OIT maintenance window.  In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted:

Account System Maintenance
Description of change:  OIT Will be performing maintenance on the NetID infrastructure. During this time, users may be unable to claim new user accounts.
Downtime window start: 5:00 AM
Downtime window end:  6:00 AM
Affected services: Oracle Identity Manager, Account Claiming, Password sync​
Affected systems:  boc22oimp1, boc22oimp2, boc22ora07​
Expected End-user impact: During this time, new users will not be able to claim accounts

Account System Maintenance
Description of change: OIT will be performing some updates to the NetID infrastructure. This will help ensure that email addresses in Workday are accurate.
Downtime window start:  6:00 AM
Downtime window end: 6:30 AM
Affected services:  Workday,  OIM
Affected systems: Workday, OIM
Expected End-user impact:  During this time, no end-user impact is expected. When the update is applied, some employees may see their email address change in Workday. This should reflect their actual email address used by the email at FAU.

Degree Audit Maintenance
Description of change:  OIT Will be performing maintenance on the systems used for the Degree Audit application.
Downtime window start: 6:00 AM
Downtime window end: 7:00 AM
Affected services:  uAchieve/DARS audits​
Affected systems: boc22uachieve1​
Expected End-user impact: During this time, users will not be able to submit audits during the time it is restarting.​

Server maintenance – ANDI network share
Description of change:  OIT will be making a change to how network shares on fauandi1 are mapped
Downtime window start: 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 4:00 AM
Affected services: All shares on fauandi1
Affected systems:  fauandi1
Expected End-user impact:  During this time, no end-user impact is expected

Backend Server maintenance
Description of change: OIT Will be performing maintenance on some backend application servers. No end user impact is expected.
Downtime window start: 6:00 AM
Downtime window end: 6:30 AM
Affected services: vpas.fau.edu
Affected systems: tuna1p.fau.edu, tuna2p.fau.edu
Expected End-user impact: During this time, no expected user impact, the application is clusterd and should automatically failover.  Changes will affect the Controller’s office, they have already been notifiied of the change.

Server Maintenance
Description of change: OIT will be performing server maintenance on September 7th from 3:00 a.m. until 5:00 a.m.
Downtime window start: 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 5:00 AM
Affected services:  ODS and FAUDW production environment. WebFocus won’t be able to connect to the ODS adn FAUDW databases.​​​​
Affected systems: odsprod​
Expected End-user impact: During this time, affected services will be unavailable.

Server Maintenance – Banner Patches
Description of change:  OIT will be installing Banner patches on September 7th from 3:00 a.m. until 7:00 a.m. No end user impact is expected.
Downtime window start: 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 7:00 AM
Affected services:  Not applicable
Affected systems: Banner Financial Aid
Expected End-user impact: During this time, no user impact is anticipated


Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Systems, Uncategorized, Workday