Network and telephone outages due to power outages

We are currently experiencing network and telephone outages due to power outages in the following buildings:





Posted in Network and Telecom, Uncategorized

OIT Systems Maintenance, Thurs. March 30 from 12:01AM to 7:00AM

Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 03/30/2023 from 12:01 AM to 7:00 AM during OIT maintenance window. In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted:

Google Application Password Tool and Multi-factor enrollment tool Maintenance
Description of change: The Office of Information Technology will be upgrading the Google Application Password Tool, Multi-Factor Enrollment tool to run on cloud-native infrastructure.
Downtime window start: 03/30/2023 5:00 AM
Downtime window end: 03/30/2023 6:00 AM
Affected services: FLVC, MyInfo, and GooglePassword
End-user impact: During the update some applications may experience problems logging in to FLVC, MyInfo, and GooglePassword.

Florida Virtual Virtual Campus Authentication Maintenance
Description of change: The Office of Infomation Technology will be moving the Florida Virtual Campus Authentication service to cloud-ready architecture.
Downtime window start: 03/30/2023 6:00 AM
Downtime window end: 03/30/2023 7:00 AM
Affected services: FLVC services such as transfers and transcripts.
End-user impact: There is a small chance the authentication to the FLVC system could go offline during this change, but it will be tested after the change.

Posted in Systems, Uncategorized

OIT Systems Maintenance, Thurs. March 23 from 12:01AM to 7:00AM

Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 03/23/2023 from 12:01 AM to 7:00 AM during OIT maintenance window. In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted:

Banner Self-Service 9, 8 and Admin application Maintenance
Description of change: The servers that host Banner 9 Self-Service Registration, Self-service 8 and the admin application will be updated with new performance settings. This will assist with the load that is driven during the Registration period. Ellucian will be making these vendor suggested changes to the servers.
Downtime start: 03/23/2023 3:15 AM
Downtime end: 03/23/2023 7:00 AM
Impacted Services: Self-Service Banner 9 Registration, Banner Self-service 8, Banner Admin application
End-user impact: All users accessing these services.

Banner registration mods: Restricting Online Students from registering in-campus courses.
Description of change: A validation will be added to self service registration to prevent students who are classified as fully online, to register for courses that are on-campus only.
Downtime start: 03/23/2023 3:00AM
Downtime end: 03/23/2023 7:00AM
Affected services: Banner Self-Service Registration 9
End-user impact: No end-user impact is expected during the maintenance window. After the change, fully online students will not be able to register of partial or fully in-person courses.

Server maintenance
Description of change: OIT will be performing server maintenance on several core systems from 4:00a.m. until 5:00 a.m. on 3/23. During this time, access to the Assessment, Crosswalk, Grademan, Gradrates, Software License, Tech Free, and Transient Application services will be briefly interrupted.
Downtime start: Thu 3/23/23 4:00 AM
Downtime end: Thu 3/23/23 5:00 AM
Impacted services: Assessment, Crosswalk, Grademan, Gradrates, Software License, Tech Free, and Transient
End-user impact: All users using these services.

College of Business Application Migration
Description of change: Maintenance will be performed on the graduate admissions application to improve its long term performance.
Downtime start: 03/23/2023 5:00 AM
Downtime end: 03/23/2023 6:00 AM
Impacted services: Graduate Admissions Application
End-user Impact: The end users will not be affected by this change there will be no downtime as the service is already running on the new cluster.

Network Registration and Ezproxy Migration to new hardware
Description of change: Guest Wireless, Network Registration and EzProxy authentication will be migrated to new infrastructure.
Downtime start: 03/23/2023 5:00 AM
Downtime end: 03/23/2023 6:00 AM
Impacted services: Network Registration and EZProxy Authentication
End-user Impact: None expected, this DNS update will be instant.

Frevvo-api upgrade to cloud native architecture
Description of change: Frevvo’s API utility will be migrated from Virtual Machines to Kubernetes on Boca and in the cloud.
Downtime start: 03/23/2023 5:00 AM
Downtime end: 03/23/2023 6:00 AM
Impacted Services: 4P (SSO Login Prompt), Frevvo-api, and Frevvo.
End-user Impact: Affected services should run faster and more reliably.

PrivateEye Migration to new hardware
Description of change: The legacy version of PrivateEye a tool used by purchasing for older PO will be moved to new hardware and a new URL.
Downtime start: 03/23/2023 8:00 AM
Downtime stop: 03/23/2023 8:05 AM
Impacted Services: PrivateEye
End-user Impact: None, this is an internal service used only by purchasing

Posted in Uncategorized

[RESOLVED] Success Network (EAB Navigate) Experiencing issues

The Success Network (EAB Navigate) issue has been resolved and all pages should be loading correctly.


The EAB Navigate system is experiencing problem experiencing issues for both Students and Faculty/Staff. The Faculty/Staff site is experiencing login issues and slowness loading pages if you manage to log in. The student site cannot access advising appointments.

The vendor is aware, and we will post an update once we have more information.

Posted in Educational Technologies, Instructional Technologies, Systems, Uncategorized

[RESOLVED]MYFAU experiencing issues

We’re currently experiencing degraded performance issues with MYFAU. A “Page not found” will be displayed after logging in via single-sign on. The links at the top of the page work and will redirect properly.

OIT is working with the vendor to restore the service as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Educational Technologies, Email, Systems, Uncategorized

OIT Systems Maintenance, Thurs. March 16 from 12:01AM to 7:00AM

Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 03/16/2023 from 12:01 AM to 7:00 AM during OIT maintenance window. In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted:

Server operating system upgrade
Description of change: OIT will be upgrading the operating system of a secure file server
Downtime window start: 03/16/2023 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 03/16/2023 7:00 AM
Affected services: all andisec shares
End-user impact: Andisec shares will be unavailable for some time during the maintenance window.

Description of change: OIT will apply modifications in Banner to restrict fully online students from registering for in-person/on-campus courses.
Downtime window start: 03/16/2023 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 03/16/2023 7:00 AM
Affected services: Banner SSB registration app, Banner admin registration form
End-user impact: No end-user impact is expected during the maintenance window. After the change, fully online students will not be able to register of partial or fully in-person courses.

Apply Banner Patch
Description of change: OIT will apply a regulatory Financial Aid patch in Banner.
Downtime window start: 03/16/2023 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 03/16/2023 5:00 AM
Affected services: Banner Financial Aid
End-user impact: No end-user impact is expected.

Update Acceptance Email for Non-Degree Students
Description of change: OIT will apply an update to the acceptance email that non-degree students receive.
Downtime window start: 03/16/2023 12:01 AM
Downtime window end: 03/16/2023 6:00 AM
Affected services: Banner
End-user impact: No end-user impact is expected during the maintenance window. After the change, the acceptance letter for non-degree students will be updated.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Systems, Uncategorized

[RESOLVED] MyFAU experiencing issues

We have resolved the issue and MyFAU has been restored to full service. All related systems and applications should be functioning as usual. If you notice any issues with campus systems or applications, please contact the IT Help Desk


We’re currently experiencing degraded performance issues with MyFAU. A “Page not found” will be displayed after logging in via single-sign on. The links at the top of the page work and will redirect properly.

OIT is working with the vendor to restore the service as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Posted in Educational Technologies, Systems, Uncategorized

[RESOLVED] TouchNet Systems Maintenance, Friday, March 24th from 3:00AM to 7:00AM

The TouchNet payment processing system will be undergoing maintenance -Starting from 3:00am to 7:00am (EST) Friday, March 24th. This affects student payment services (Bill+Payment), as well as all Marketplace Stores, uPay sites and TouchNet ready partner payment services. We expect all systems to be back online no later than 7:00 am (EST) that morning. When the system is back up and ready to go, we will notify you. You may wish to place warnings on your website, or take your store offline. If this scheduled downtime creates a conflict for your operations, please feel free to contact us at for further discussion. Expected End-user impact: During this time all student payment services (Bill+Payment), as well as all Marketplace Stores, uPay sites and TouchNet ready partner payment services will be unavailable during this maintenance cycle.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Workday

OIT Systems Maintenance, Thurs. March 9 from 12:01AM to 7:00AM

Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 03/09/2023 from 12:01 AM to 7:00 AM during OIT maintenance window. In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted:

Server software upgrade
Description of change: OIT will be upgrading software on a secure file server
Downtime window start: 03/09/2023 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 03/09/2023 3:30 AM
Affected services: All ANDISEC shares
End-user impact: ANDISEC shares will be unavailable for a short period of time during the window.

Adding two new load balancers to BigIP cluster
Description of change: OIT will be adding two BigIP load balancers to prepare for future changes.
Downtime window start: 03/09/2023 6:00 AM
Downtime window end: 03/09/2023 7:00 AM
Affected services: All services served by virtual servers hosted by the BigIP load balancers. These include but may not be limited to: owlapp, sso, papercut, sas, myfau, banner, talisma, oud, www, filelocker, ds/ldap, dmz entry point for various coldfusion/grails/tomcat applications, tms, sctforms, etc.
End-user impact: No end-user impact is expected during this time.

Raiser’s Edge Integration with Workday
Description of change: The purpose of this change is to automatically import data from Raiser’s Edge (FAU’s fundraising and donor management software) into Workday.
Downtime window start: 03/09/2023 10:00 AM
Downtime window end: 03/09/2023 11:00 AM
Affected services: Workday and Raiser’s Edge
End-user impact: No end-user impact is expected.

REDCap Update
Description of change: OIT will perform a routine REDCap update.
Downtime window start: 03/09/2023 12:00 AM
Downtime window end: 03/09/2023 1:00 AM
Affected services: REDCap
End-user impact: Service will be offline during update.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Systems, Workday

[COMPLETED]Network Maintenance – All campuses

The network maintenance scheduled for this morning has been completed. We expect network services to be operating normal at this time.

Posted in Uncategorized