[RESOLVED] Papercut web printing (fauprint.fau.edu) intermittently offline between 12PM and 1PM on Tuesday 2/25/2025

Maintenance has concluded.


We are performing maintenance on Papercut web printing between 12PM and 1PM today. This work may require the service to be offline for brief periods during this time.

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Posted in Instructional Technologies, Systems

[Resolved] 02/22/2025 Research Computing Outage

FAU OIT Research Computing experienced an Air Conditioning outage on the Jupiter Campus today, February 22, 2025. Physical Plant and OIT have corrected the issue, and most online services are currently available. The team is investigating the HPC clusters and bringing them online as quickly as possible.

Posted in Educational Technologies, Research Computing

Duo SMS/Telephony Authentication unavailable

Our two factor authentication Duo is currently experiencing an issue causing SMS and Phone Call delivery failures. The vendor is currently investigating and a status is available at https://status.duo.com/

Duo Mobile push notifications continue to function as normal and we recommend that you setup your mobile device with Duo Mobile using the instructions below: https://helpdesk.fau.edu/TDClient/2061/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=73770

Thank you

Office of Information Technology

Posted in Educational Technologies, Email, Instructional Technologies, Network and Telecom, Systems, Uncategorized

UPDATE: Network Maintenance – Building GS 2 February 6th between 6-7am

Update: We are aware there is an issue in GS 2 with the phones and currently working to resolve as soon as possible.

OIT will be performing network maintenance in building GS 2 tomorrow February 6th between 6-7am. During this window, GS 2 will experience brief interruptions in connectivity to the internet and to internal network-based services.

Posted in Network and Telecom, Uncategorized

Banner Self-Service Maintenance, Thursday, February 6th @ 8:30AM to 9:30AM

We will be performing maintenance on the Banner Self-Service system this upcoming Thursday, starting at 8:30AM and ending 9:30AM. Due to OIT having to coordinate with multiple vendor resources, this maintenance has to be performed during working hours. This maintenance will not impact Registration Self-Service, so our class search will continue to work, and students can go directly to: https://bannerxe.fau.edu/StudentRegistrationSsb if they need to access Registration.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

Posted in Uncategorized

OIT Systems Maintenance

Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 2/06/2025 from 4:00 AM to 8:00 AM during OIT maintenance window. In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted:

Printing Services Maintenance
Description of change: OIT will be upgrading printing services used in the computer labs, library, and web printing on Thursday, February 6th, between the hours of 4AM and 7AM.
Change window start: 2/06/2025 4:00 AM
Change window end: 2/06/2025 7:00 AM
Affected services: Papercut pay for printing services including lab printing, pop-up client printing and web printing via fauprint.fau.edu.
Expected End-user impact: Printing services in the labs, library, and fauprint.fau.edu will be intermittently unavailable during this upgrade.

Deploy New Alert Software that will replace Altertus to Boca
Description of change: OIT will silently push out new SirCom alert software to all Intune/SCCM managed laptops and desktops for the Boca Campus starting Friday, February 7, at midnight.
Change window start: 2/07/2025 12:00 AM
Change window end: 2/14/2025 12:00 AM
Affected services: Intune Managed desktops and laptops
Expected End-user impact: None.

Banner graduation date change for College of Medicine
Description of change: OIT will be making a change to update the graduation date for the entire upcoming College of Medicine graduation class from 5/5/2025 – 5/6/2025.
Change window start: 2/06/2025 6:00 AM
Change window end: 2/06/2025 8:00 AM
Affected services: Banner
Expected End-user impact: ​Services will be available.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Educational Technologies, Systems, Uncategorized