Emergency Maintenance for FAU Lists

At 10:30 AM the FAU lists server will be rebooted to address a security issue.

Due to the reboot some emails from the mailing list might experience some delay before being sent out.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Systems

OIT Systems Maintenance, Thurs, April 10 from 3:00AM to 7:00AM

Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 04/10/2014 from 3:00 AM to 7:00 AM during OIT maintenance window.  In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted:


When: 3AM – 6AM
Affected Services: Blackboard, DNS, DHCP, Identity Manager, Graduate Application, ibiweb, CAS, PhoneBill, NetReg admin
Affected Systems: bba3, bba4, bba5, bba6, dhcpboc1, dnsboc1, idm1, talonx1, dhcpjup1, dhcpdav1, bbp10, bbp11, dnsnw1, frevvo1, ibiweb, ibiweb2, madcat1p, lintalon1
User Impact:  DHCP on Jupiter and Davie will be unavailable for approximately 10 minutes during the window and the other services are expected to stay available for the window.
Reason: Linux updates/patches to 6.5


Posted in Uncategorized

Emergency Maintenance for FAU VPN services @ 2:00p.m. today

The FAU VPN services will be undergoing emergency maintenance at 2:00 p.m. today.  Sometime after 2:00 p.m., users connected to the VPN may experience some momentary delays or pauses during their VPN session while maintenance is underway.

Posted in Uncategorized

Blackboard intermittently unavailable

Blackboard will be intermittently unavailable between 1:15-2:15 to fix a security issue with the webserver.

Posted in Educational Technologies, Systems

Blackboard intermittently unavailable

Blackboard will be intermittently unavailable between 1:15-2:15 to fix a security issue with the webserver.

Posted in Educational Technologies, Systems

Resolved: Echo360 Service Restart

Echo360 will be intermittently unavailable from 4:50PM-5:10 PM . The Echo360 service needs to be restarted to free a blocked thread that is preventing content from being ingested. Users will be unable to perform EMI transfers, or access and start viewing Echo360 captures during this window.

Posted in Uncategorized

[COMPLETED] – OIT Systems Maintenance, Thurs., April 3 from 3:00AM to 7:00AM

Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 04/03/2014 from 3:00 AM to 7:00 AM during OIT maintenance window. In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted:


When: 3:00AM – 6:00AM
Affected Services: Blackboard, Mailing Lists, DNS, DHCP, Undergrad Application,
Affected Systems: bbm1, bba1, bba2, dhcpboc0, dnsboc0, lists, ugapp2,
Reason: Linux updates/patches to 6.5
User Impact: Mailing lists (sympa) will be unavailable for approximately 10 minutes during the window and the other services are expected to stay available for the window.


When: 6:00 – 6:15AM
Affected services: Blackboard
Description: Updating SoftChalk and Qwickly Building Blocks
User impact: no end user impact


When: 6:00 – 7:00AM
Affected services: MyFAU Secret Question/Answer page
Affected systems: myfau.fau.edu
Description of maintenance: OIT is making a change to two secret question/answer pages within MyFAU per the request of admissions to lower confusion for students trying to reset their banner pins.
User impact: We do not expect any service disruption as this is only a change of html in the pages. No server restart is needed. In case the text is not displayed correctly we will be copying the old files over the modified files.


When: 5:00 – 6:00AM
Affected services: Data protection Manager
Affected systems: Data Protection Manager server (DPM) / Active Directory
Description of maintenance: Allows users to recover files when they have the data protection manager client installed.
User impact: No impact since users are not yet on the system.


When: 3:00 – 4:00AM
Affected services: Active Directory Authentication system
Affected systems: Active Directory
Description of maintenance: OIT is making a change to the authentication system to allow for increased resiliency to the system.
User impact: No end-user impact expected, but it is possible Exchange mail may be slowed


When: During business hours
Affected services: NetApp
Affected systems: NetApp – bocana01, bocana02, bocana05, and bocana06
Description of maintenance: The shelf firmware on the NetApp filers bocana01, bocana02, bocana05 and bocana06 will be upgraded.
User impact: We do not expect any end-user impact, but the systems/applications that run on these filers could run a little slower.

Posted in Systems

[resolved] Intermittent SCCM issues

** Update – The issue has been resolved and all SCCM services should now be available. If you’re an SCCM administrator, please update your SCCM Console to R2


We are currently experiencing intermittent issues with SCCM while we attempt to resolve a problem with the planned R2 upgrade. SCCM administrators may experience periods of inoperability with the SCCM administrator console until the issue is resolved. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Thank you,


Posted in Educational Technologies