Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 06/24/2021 from 3:00 AM to 7:00 AM during OIT maintenance window. In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted:
Storage Maintenance
Description of change: OIT will be performing maintenance on some backend storage. No end user impact is anticipated.
Downtime window start: 6/24/2021 3:30 AM
Downtime window end: 6/24/2021 6:30 AM
Affected services: No downtime is expected but there is a potential to affect:
All services dependent on NetApp storage
all VM’s on Hyper-V, all VM’s on Vmware. VM hosts may see a pause in data transfer while a node is failing over and back
Some of the major services, but not limited to are:
Banner, OIM, Andi Shares, Ibiweb, MSSQL databases and services dependent on those, Network Registration, Grouper, Owlapps, Edocs, Papercut
Expected End-user impact: No end-user impact is expected
Update Forms Server User Accounts
Description of change: OIT will be updating the notification preferences for a number of user accounts in Frevvo.
Downtime window start: 6/24/2021 6:00 AM
Downtime window end: 6/24/2021 7:00 AM
Affected services: Some forms server accounts will be modified. There is no anticipated interruption of service.
Expected End-user impact: No end user impact is expected during this time. After the change, a number of users will have their notification preferences updated