Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 08/05/2021 from 3:00 AM to 7:00 AM during OIT maintenance window. In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted:
Server Maintenance
Description of change: OIT will be updating the website certificates for various public webservers as they are about to expire.
Downtime window start 8/5/2021 3:00 AM
Downtime window end 8/5/2021 7:00 AM
Affected services: Any public website using OIT’s SSL certificate. Examples are:,,, banner self service, network registration
Expected End-user impact: During this time, there might be a brief interruption as webservers are reloaded.
Banner Maintenance
Description of change: OIT will be upgrading the Touchnet BannerConnect client from version to in production.
Downtime window start: 8/5/2021 6:00 AM
Downtime window end: 8/5/2021 7:00 AM
Affected services: Touchnet BannerConnect – Payments made through Banner
Expected End-user impact: No end-user impact is expected
Server Upgrade
Description of change: OIT will be upgrading one of its infrastructure servers related to DNS. OIT requests that no DNS changes be made after end of day on 8/4.
Downtime window start 8/5/2021 3:00 AM
Downtime window end 8/5/2021 5:00 AM
Affected services: DNS
Expected End-user impact: No end-user impact is expected.
BHRIC VDI maintenance
Description of change: OIT will be upgrading the BHRIC VDI environment
Downtime window start 8/5/2021 12:05 AM
Downtime window end 8/5/2021 2:00 AM
Affected services: vhealth, vhealthon
Expected End-user impact: During this time, users will not be able to use the BHRIC VDI