OIT Systems Maintenance, 11/16 to 11/18 between 12:01AM and 7:00AM

Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 11/17/2022 from 12:01 AM to 7:00 AM during OIT maintenance window. In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted on Wednesday, 11/16 and Friday, 11/18:

Service Migration
Description of change: OIT is changing the service provider for mymail webpage
Downtime window start: 11/16/2022 12:01 AM
Downtime window end: 11/16/2022 1:00 AM
Impacted services: Google mail URL
End-user impact: After the change, mymail URL will be redirected to MyFAU login page.

uAchieve Term Updates
Description of change: The uAchieve web app will be updated to include Spring 2023, Summer 2023, and Fall 2023 for Audit Requests.
Downtime window start: 11/17/2022 12:01 AM
Downtime window end: 11/17/2022 12:30 AM
Impacted services: uAchieve/DARS
End-user impact: uAchieve will not be available during the update.

EDI changes for Student Written Communication Digital Badges
Description of change: Changes have been made to both inbound and outbound EDI process for post-secondary transcripts to comply with the new state laws. Digital badges values will be loaded to Banner from inbound transcripts, and FAU issued digital badges will be sent out on outbound EDI transcripts.
Downtime window start: 11/17/2022 12:01 AM
Downtime window end: 11/17/2022 6:00 AM
Impacted services: Banner EDI jobs
End-user impact: No end-user impact is expected during this change.

Server Maintenance
Description of change: ​OIT will be upgrading the components of several systems to resolve bugs and add support for newer hardware.​
Downtime window start: 11/17/2022 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 11/17/2022 7:00 AM
Impacted services: Services running on Cisco UCS server
End-user impact: No end-user impact is expected

SUSE Rancher Maintenance
Description of change: Maintenance will be performed on OIT’s boc22rancher Kubernetes Management service.
Downtime window start: 11/17/2022 5:00 AM
Downtime window end: 11/17/2022 6:00 AM
Impacted services: Rancher Environment
End-user impact: As we have an issue with this kubernetes cluster this change could affect load balancing and certs for network registration, privateeye, and college of business application.

Google Workspace Quotas
Description of change: All users will have enforced quotas 5GB added to their Google Workspace Accounts. Users will continue to be able to send and receive email but all other Google Workspace functions will be read-only.
Downtime window start: 11/18/2022 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 11/18/2022 4:00 AM
Impacted services: Google Workspace
End-user impact: All users will have enforced quotas 5GB added to their Google Workspace Accounts. If quota is over 5BG, users will continue to be able to send and receive email but all other Google Workspace functions will be read-only.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Email, Research Computing, Systems, Uncategorized