RESOLVED – Banner Issues, Slowness and Timeouts

UPDATE 6/15/23 11:08AM:

The change rollback is now complete and we are seeing a significant positive performance impact on Banner Admin and other services. We believe the issue to be resolved at this moment, but we will still be monitoring Banner. If you are having issues, please close all your browser windows and sessions, and re-login to Banner Admin.

UPDATE 6/15/23 10:46AM:

Our Systems team is working on reverting back a change that was performed last night with some devices that host services such as Banner. Once this change is reverted, we will recheck the performance on Banner Admin, and see if it is back to normal.

UPDATE 6/15/23 10:00AM:

Ellucian is actively looking at the issue with the performance for Banner Admin. We see that at times it works correctly, but then will slow down and possibly time out. They have restarted services, which produced no change, they are now reviewing all the services in the environment to ensure everything is healthy. We apologize for the inconvenience, we will provide an update once we know more.


We are experiencing issues with our Banner service right now. When users are in Banner Admin sometimes it is processing forms, tabs and saves slowly. In addition, we are seeing that saves and sometimes just form searches are producing a “Your session has expired. Click to reload and access login page” message.

We are having our Ellucian Managed Services Provider review the environment now. Once we have more information, we will update this message. For now users are going to get an inconsistent behavior from Banner Admin and possible Self Service, where it may operate correctly for a few minutes but then start to slow down.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems