[Resolved] Mediasite – issues within the Mediasite Video Cloud environment

17:30 EDT – Users still having trouble viewing videos or accessing Mediasite will need to clear their browser cache: https://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser%27s-Cache

13:21 EDT – Services have been restored

11:39 EDT – We are aware of issues within the Mediasite Video Cloud environment, and are investigating. Users may experience playback issues, issues with live streaming, and inability to log into the Management Portal and other applications.

Posted in Canvas / LMS, Lecture Capture

[Resolved] Webex Meetings: Users unable to connect to Meeting services

Locations: US data centers

Apr 16, 6:18 PM EDT
MonitoringA network event caused specific service traffic to be interrupted across the US Webex data centers. While we continue our root cause analysis to identify the source of the traffic interruption, additional mitigations have been implemented to ensure we avoid a recurrence. Services have been fully restored and engineering will continue to monitor the global Webex environment.

Apr 16, 05:44 PM EDT

Identified – Engineering continues to work to restore services and we are now seeing Meetings services recover. Engineering is working to complete the remediation activities. Affected users should retry their operation to connect. Mobile clients, Webex Teams, Webex Messenger, Webex Devices, SIP connections, PSTN audio-call in and other video devices are also available join methods. Engineering will provide updates as the restoration activities complete and we move into a monitoring status.

Apr 16, 04:42 PM EDT

Identified – Meeting services hosted within the US data centers are experiencing delays and failures joining or utilizing the Meetings services. Engineering is taking corrective actions to work to restore services. Users that are affected can retry or wait for the join as some joins are succeeding, but are delayed. Users can also join ongoing meetings using audio call-in. Users may also now be able to connect using Webex Teams or video devices (SIP). We are working quickly to restore services and will provide updates as quickly as we can.

Apr 16, 04:19 PM EDT

Investigating – Engineering is working on addressing an issue affecting meeting joins for users connecting to the SJC and DFW US data centers. Affected users will see error messages or failures when joining using the desktop or Webex Teams client. Engineering is working to restore services. We apologize for this impact and will provide updates as soon as they are available.

Posted in Canvas / LMS, Video Conferencing

[Resolved]Webex Meetings: Users experience intermittent disconnects and reconnects to Webex Meetings

Locations: San Jose data center services

Resolved – Service restoration activities have been completed and engineering is continuing to monitor. Services are operating as expected.  For the previously mentioned edge cases where users experienced a ‘split’ meeting, please disconnect the meeting and restart it to resolve the issue.  Thank you for your continued patience and we will continue to provide updates as we complete our monitoring activities.

Investigating – Cisco Engineering is working to address an issue that is causing intermittent computer audio and video issues when connecting to Meetings services hosted in the San Jose data center. Affected users may have experienced in-meeting latency including mute/unmute and sharing delays as well as roster update latency. Other users may experience computer audio and video streams be disconnected and reconnected automatically to another instance. In some edge cases, users may have experienced a ‘split’ meeting, where some users cannot see or hear all participants. If this condition does occur, please disconnect the meeting and restart it to resolve the issue. Service remediation activities are in progress. Updates will be provided as they become available.

Posted in Canvas / LMS, Video Conferencing

Webex Engineering has scheduled a maintenance window to support ongoing service maintenance for Webex Meeting Services – US East Coast

Webex Engineering has scheduled a maintenance window to support ongoing service maintenance for Webex Meeting Services.

— Scheduled Maintenance Window — Start: Friday, April 10, 2020, 10:00 PM PDT (GMT-7) Complete: Friday, April 10, 2020, 11:59 PM PDT (GMT-7)

— User Experience — During the maintenance window, hosts and participants may experience the following service impacts:

Recording WILL be available during the maintenance period, but processing and availability of those new Network Based Recordings will be delayed for up to 24 hours after the maintenance is completed.

Recordings that were made prior to this maintenance will NOT be available during this maintenance.

Posted in Canvas / LMS, Video Conferencing

[Resolved] Webex Meetings: Users are intermittently unable to connect to computer audio (VoIP)

11:55am – All tasks have been completed and computer audio and video services are fully operational.

11:33am – WebEx Engineering continues to work on updating the VoIP services. Many of the services have been restored, but additional work is underway to complete the task. Previously affected users should close out of their meeting and rejoin to enable audio and video. Remaining affected users may see connection issues or may be able to connect to audio, but the client computer video option may be unavailable.

10:59am – Engineering is working to address an issue affecting the computer audio (VoIP) component of Webex Meetings. Users connecting to sites hosted in the US region may not be able to join meetings using the Webex computer client for audio or video. Users can connect using telephony call-in or call-back, Webex Teams, or video endpoints (SIP connections) as an alternative.

Posted in Canvas / LMS, Video Conferencing

[RESOLVED]Intermittent issues with Mediasite

SonicFoundry is aware of intermittent issues within the Mediasite Video Cloud environment, and are investigating. Users may experience playback issues, issues with live streaming, and inability to log into the Management Portal and other applications.

Update: Resolved 3/21

Posted in Canvas / LMS, Instructional Technologies, Lecture Capture

[RESOLVED] Webex Meetings audio

Cisco is reporting the issue resolved.

Posted in Uncategorized

[RESOLVED] Webex Meetings: Reports of users who are unable to connect to audio

Cisco Engineering identified an issue affecting services in the Texas data center. Some users experienced degraded in-meeting performance, audio disconnections or no audio options.

Update: Resolved at 1:56pm:


Posted in Canvas / LMS, Instructional Technologies, Video Conferencing

[RESOLVED] Intermittent issues within Mediasite

SonicFoundry has reported the intermittent issues with Mediassite has been resolved.

Posted in Canvas / LMS, Instructional Technologies, Lecture Capture

Intermittent issues within Mediasite

Sonic Foundry is aware of intermittent issues within the Mediasite Video Cloud environment, and are investigating. Users may experience playback issues, issues with live streaming, and inability to log into the Management Portal and other applications.

Posted in Canvas / LMS, Instructional Technologies, Lecture Capture