[RESOLVED] Workday Report Export/Download issues and other sites

UPDATE 8:01AM 12/14/23:

Microsoft has deployed a short term fix that will allow downloads. They are expecting a full fix to be deployed by Friday. Users will need to reboot to ensure it is upgraded properly. You will see your computer display a restart required once the fix is deployed. If it does not resolve right away, please wait until Friday for it to be fully resolved.

UPDATE 2:25PM 12/13/23:

Other users have reported issues with different downloads not just Workday. However, Workday has posted a community wide announcement showing all tenants impacted with this same problem of downloads not completing. They are doing an investigation on their end currently to understand what might be going on. This does not seem to impact all users, and some report where it starts working after a reboot or retrying. Once we have a response from Workday from their investigation we will test and report back.


Users are reporting issues with exporting Workday reports to excel. It is not all reports or users. Some users have switched browsers and it has worked. We have submitted a ticket with Workday to see if there is something wrong with our tenant. We will provide more information once we hear back from Workday.

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[Resolved] – Grademan – Change Grade Application Service Outage

Grademan is now working, we were able to identify and resolve the problem.

Our application that allows for changing grades (Grademan) is not operational at the moment. We are working to resolve the issue with this application. We continue to troubleshoot the problem, and will provide information as we work through the problem. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.

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Resolved – Banner Admin Login Issues

UPDATE 3:47PM: Our Ellucian Managed Services Provider restarted services and cleared some items for the service that they believe were causing the issues with the login times. For the past few hours the Banner Admin has been stable. We will continue monitoring.


This week we have been experiencing issues with login times to Banner Admin, where when a user logs in, the SSO login page will continue to spin, eventually landing the user either in an active session or providing an error message such as a Login Denied.

This is happening inconsistently throughout the day, users are eventually able to login, once connected they don’t have further issues. In addition, Banner Self-Service works correctly during these times. We are working with Ellucian to try and determine the cause of the issue, but we are still researching as it is inconsistent.

We will be doing maintenance tonight to replace one of the application servers and then will determine if it alleviates the situation. We asked that users that are not able to login, wait 5 minutes and try again. We appreciate your understanding as we work to resolve these issues.

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Resolved – Banner Services Outage


Services have been restored and confirmed working. Please report any issues with Banner services to the Help Desk.

Original Post:

We are currently experiencing an outage with our Banner production environment. We are working with our Managed Services Provider to restore the service as soon as possible. At this moment Self Service, Registration, Admin and other Banner Services are not available. In addition, this outage may impact other systems that read information from Banner such as: EZAdvising, OwlDone, etc. We will provide an update once services are restored.

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Resolved – Single Sign On (SSO) Service Interruption


Our single sign on (SSO) service is now fully restored and working as intended. If you have any issues with services, just close all your browser windows and re-try logging in. Thank you.

Original Post:

We have detected an issue with our single sign on (SSO) service where users may be getting a 503 error and not able to sign-in to new applications. Our single sign on service is now routing to a backup location. Users may need to close all browser windows and start a new session to ensure they can login correctly. Users already logged into applications, should not be impacted. We are now working towards restoring our main services for single sign on. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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Resolved – Banner Services Unavailable

8/20/23 3:01PM:

Services are now restored.

Original Message:

At around 12:00PM today Banner services experienced an interruption. We are working with our Managed Services Provider to restore services as soon possible.

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RESOLVED – Ellucian Banner (Self-service/Admin) Production Service Unavailable

Update 8/14/23 9:33AM:

The Ellucian team resolved the issue with all Banner services. Users should now be able to log back into services and process any requests that were previously failing. The OIT team is also working on restarting all jobs and processes that may have failed due to this issue. All services are now reported to be restored.

Original Post:

Our Ellucian Banner system is currently experiencing issues, all applications related to Banner are impacted: Banner Admin, Banner Self-Service, Workflow, etc.

Users may see error messages stating that records cannot be inserted. We have raised a priority 1 case with our Ellucian Managed Services Provider and they are working at identifying the problem and will restore the service as quickly as possible.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you.

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[RESOLVED] Student Loan Deferment Status & Enrollment Verification Link – Self Service Issue

UPDATE 7/28/2023 6:30PM:

The issue with the Clearinghouse link in Self-Service is now working as intended. All services are restored.


We are currently having an issue with out direct link with the Clearinghouse for student loan deferment and enrollment verification. Users will receive “Error Connecting to the National Student Clearinghouse Site” when the button is clicked in Self Service. We are working on restoring this service at this moment.

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RESOLVED – 07/19/23 9:15PM – Grademan, SoftLic, TechFee, WC Online and other services offline

UPDATE 7/19/23 9:15PM:

All services related to this issue are now restored. If you have any other issues with these services please submit a ticket with our Help Desk.

UPDATE 07/19/23 9:02AM:

We have identified other services that are impacted by these issues: Sunapsis and possibly other reporting tools. We currently do not have an ETA for the restoration of these services.


Due to system issues the following services are currently offline:

Service Awards
WC Online

We currently do not have an estimated time as to when these services will be restored. We will provide further updates via this post.

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[RESOLVED] Qualtrics Survey Service Outage

The Qualtrics service has been fully restored.


The Florida Atlantic University Qualtrics service is currently experiencing issues and is presenting an Organization Disabled message while trying to login. We are working with Qualtrics support now to work on restoring service. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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