The College of Business Admissions Application will be offline at 1 pm 3/30/2022 for a brief update. It should return to service by 1:15 pm 3/30/2022.
BHRIC Virtual Desktops is currently offline due to an VMware error that occurred while applying updates. We are currently on the phone with VMware attempting to resolve the issue but do not expect it to be online by 8 am. At this time users should connect to to connect to the BHRIC Virtual Desktops. We are working with the firewall team to make sure all users have access to this URL.
BHRIC Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Maintenance
THE BHRIC Virtual Desktop Infrastructure will be updated Friday morning at 3 am. As OIT will be replacing the DHCP server be sure to reach out if there are any BHRIC/secure virtual desktop (VDI).
Issues should be reported to Research Computing <> through your College or Division’s support team.
Research Computing Resources
A critical server within the Research Computing cluster failed due to load and resulted in a full reboot being required. We are currently working on bringing services back online.
Research Informatics Core Missing Files
Several users have reported missing files on the Research Informatics Core. We have determined the issue and resolved it. We are restoring any missing files from our early morning backups. If you are still missing files on Monday morning please contact your local administration team and we will investigate further.
[Resolved] University Forms Offline
[8:00 am] The University form (Frevvo) system has been returned to service. We are working with the vendor to determine why the error occurred and prevent it from hapenning again.
[7:45 am] The University form (Frevvo) system is offline due to a configuration issue. We are working with the vendor to resolve the problem.
BHRIC Virtual Desktops
[01:00 10/02/2021] The issue has been resolved. The vendor has corrected the issue with their software and everything is working as expected. Administrators will need to contact OIT for instructions to connect to the administrative interface as a configuration setting was changed during the repair.
[21:00 10/01/2021] Certain Virtual Desktops on the BHRIC may not be accessible due to a failure of a backend service. We are working with the vendor to resolve the issue and will update this post regularly. If you experience an issue accessing your virtual desktop please report the problem to your IT support team. They will be able to work with OIT to bring the virtual desktop online.
[Resolved] Forms Server Offline
09/18/2021 10:00 PM: The University forms server (Frevvo) has been restored to service. Form developers, please check your emails for more details.
09/18/2021 08:20 PM: The University forms server (Frevvo) has experienced an error and is currently offline. We have identified the problem and are performing emergency maintenance to resolve the issue. We will update this when the problem is resolved.
This has impacted the University Admissions applications for Undergraduate Admissions, College of Business Graduate Programs Admissions Application, Non-Degree Admissions Application, and numerous other forms and workflows. is offline
[7:30 pm] The Form service is online! All forms should be working as expected.
[6:10 pm] The Form service is online! Many forms will show a yellow bar on the top and bottom indicating it is not a production form. Please report these to, we are currently updating them as quickly as possible.
[4:50 pm] The Form service is still offline but we have corrected most issues and the form developers are testing to make sure everything is working. More information will follow when we have verified the fix was applied correctly.
[1:30 pm] The Form service is still offline but we are making progress on correcting the issue. More information will follow when we have tested the fix.
[9:00 am] The Form server has been taken offline as a precaution. We are making progress with the vendor and will know more soon.
[8:24 am] The Form server is back online but historic submissions are not accessible. A support ticket has been open with the vendor and more information will follow.
* We did confirm that the submissions appear to be in the System but not visible.
[7:50 am] The University Form Server is currently offline due to a failure of the service. We will update this post regularly with updated information.
OwlPulse Maintenance
Owlpulse will be offline for maintenance 08/17/2021 from 8 pm until 9 pm. Users will not be able to report the COVID-19 symptoms during this time.