[Resolved] REDCap and Student Health Services Servers

The storage system supporting the Bio Medical Information Core rebooted or became unavailable at ~11:30 am.

Several servers and services failed during this time resulting in a loss of service. We are investigating the problem and recovering the servers that are offline.

This issue has been resolved, and we are investigating adjustments to the BHRIC network which will prevent it in the future.

Posted in Network and Telecom, Research Computing

[Resolved 2:30 pm] Owlpulse and Redcap offline

Owlpulse and Redcap are currently offline due to an issue with the database server. OIT is investigating the issue and will update regularly.

Posted in Research Computing, Systems, Uncategorized

COVID-19 Health Check-in Update

The Office of Information will be updating the COVID-19 Health Check-in which is displayed when users login to Canvas and Workday. This upgrade will occur at 8 pm and last until 8:15 pm.

While not expected some users may have difficulty logging in and updating their health status during this time. If you have any trouble please try again after 8:15 pm.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Canvas / LMS, Educational Technologies, Email, Instructional Technologies, Lecture Capture, Research Computing, Systems, Workday

eGrades and University Forms

eGrades and the University Forms (frevvo) are currently experiencing an outage and may not work as expected. We are investigating the problem and will update this notice soon.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Canvas / LMS, Educational Technologies

Parking Server Certificate Error

Due to a problem with the Parking servers site https://parking.fau.edu is not accessible. We are working to resolve is issue and expect it to return to service in the next hour or two.

Posted in Uncategorized

Research Computing Cluster Logins

A bad fiber line on the Jupiter Campus is affecting the Research Computing equipment performance. The infrastructure team is investigating and during this investigation logins and file system operations will be impacted for short periods of time. We will update this post as we learn more.

Posted in Network and Telecom

Single Sign-On Update

08-23-2020 5:00 pm – 5:30 pm

OIT will be updating the Single Sign-on System to correct a performance issue that was recently discovered. During this window, there will be a short period of time where users receive an error when attempting to login to any single sign-on enabled service.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Canvas / LMS, Educational Technologies, Email, Instructional Technologies, Lecture Capture, Network and Telecom, Systems, Video Conferencing, Workday

Research Computing Equipment

Good afternoon, due to a cooling failure the Research Computing Clusters (koko-login.fau.edu) have been shutdown. They will return to service once we get the OK from Facilities.

Posted in Educational Technologies, Network and Telecom, Uncategorized

Networking Issues

The Office of Information Technology is investigating networking issues affecting numerous services. More information will be reported as it becomes available.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Canvas / LMS, Educational Technologies, Email, Instructional Technologies, Lecture Capture, Network and Telecom, Systems, Uncategorized, Video Conferencing, Workday

Computing Cluster nodes down

Several compute nodes have failed and we are investigating the cause and looking for a fix.

Posted in Educational Technologies, Network and Telecom, Uncategorized