[2020-06-01 01:08 PM] The Non-Degree Admissions Application has returned to service. We are investigating the root cause of the issue but the application is again online.
[2020-06-01 11:30 AM] We have detected a problem with the Non-Degree Admissions Application. We are investigating the cause of the issue and will update this post as more information is discovered.
[Resolved] Non-Degree Admissions Application Offline
[Resolved] Duo Two-Factor Authentication delays and failures
4/22/2020 8:16 AM: We were notified that the issues are resolved, and the 3rd-party network providers service issues have been resolved.
4/21/2020 4:15 PM: We have confirmed that the issues reported relate to 3rd-party network providers experiencing regional connectivity issues after a large fiber cut. Duo and Amazon are tracking with those providers to further understand when the cuts have been repaired or traffic is otherwise routable again, and are also investigating other potential solutions to route traffic at this time.
4/21/2020 1:35 PM: We have been notified that users may experience delays and failures when completing two-factor authentication. We will monitor the situation and update this notification as more information is received.
This may affect users logging into VPN, Workday, Banner, Student Self Service, MyFAU, Canvas, Email, and other services.
Forms restart
The forms service forms.fau.edu (frevvo) needed to be restarted due to a newly discovered issue. We are investigating the problem and will restart the service as needed until the vendor resolves the issue.
University Form Server indexing issue
We have discovered a problem with the University form server indexing newly submitted documents. While this doesn’t affect reception and data integrity it is causing delays in processing some form posts that require manual interaction. We are going to attempt several adjustments at 10 pm in an attempt to resolve this issue. Frevvo will be offline for 5 to 10 minutes while it is restarted.
[Resolved] Frevvo Google Connector
The University’s Forms Frevvo Google connector is offline for some forms. We are investigating the problem and will update this when the problem is resolved.
[Resolved] University Form Server 5 am – 7 am
The University form server (frevvo) is back online and fully upgraded.
The University form server (frevvo) is currently offline. We are investigating the issue and will update this post regularly. This affects admissions applications, form resources, and other tools that relay on this service. If you need assistance please submit a ticket to the help desk.
[Resolved] Numerous HPC cluster services offline
Thank you for your patience. We rebooted the failed switch, recovered it from backup and things are now accessible again. If you find any issues please place a ticket at https://helpdesk.fau.edu/
10 pm February 10, 2020: A network switch failure in the HPC data center has caused numerous (most) HPC cluster services on Koko to fail. We will be rebooting and reseting the switch in the morning and are hopeful it will come back online shortly there after.
Research Computing Cluster offline
The HPC clusters are currently offline due to a storage issue. We are debugging and will update this message regularly.
[Resolved] BHRIC Offline due to switch failure
The BHRIC is currently offline due to what appears to be a Firewall or Networking failure. We are investigating and will update this post as soon as we know more.
Student 2Factor Enrollment and Prompt
Tbe student 2factor enrollment tool and prompt will be updated with new and improved messaging at 5 pm Friday November 22, 2019.