[Resolved] MYFAU Mobile App Mail Issues

The issue has been resolved. If you continue to have problems, please try clearing your cache or restarting your phone to clear any lingering caching issues.


We have received reports of users having issues logging into Outlook mail from the MYFAU Mobile App. Some have had issues logging into the MYFAU Mobile App itself as well. We are investigating and will update when we have more information. In the meantime, users can access mail directly at: http://outlook.fau.edu/

Posted in Educational Technologies, Email, Systems, Uncategorized

[RESOLVED] Some MyFAU Modules may not load properly

The issue has been resolved and MyFAU is fully functioning at this time.


We are currently investigating why certain MyFAU modules may not properly load. If a part of the MyFAU page will not load properly, refreshing may resolve the issue.

We are working to resolve this as soon possible and apologize for any inconvenience.


Posted in Educational Technologies, Email, Systems, Uncategorized

OIT Systems Maintenance, Thurs. Sept 7 from 12:01AM to 7:00AM

Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 09/07/2023 from 12:01 AM to 7:00 AM during OIT maintenance window. In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted:

Server Maintenance
Description of change: OIT is upgrading software for our email servers
Downtime window start: 09/07/2023 6:00 AM
Downtime window end: 09/07/2023 7:00 AM
Affected services: Email
End-user impact: No end-user impact is expected

Banner Maintenance
Description of change: OIT will be performing maintenance on Banner from 1:00 a.m. until 7:00 a.m. on September 7, 2023. Banner will not be available during this time to allow the Ellucian support team to install several module upgrades/patches/administrative pages update to the latest Financial Aid releases for FISAP processing.
Downtime window start: 09/07/2023 12:01 AM
Downtime window end: 09/07/2023 7:00 AM
Affected services: Banner
End-user impact: During this time, Banner will be unavailable

REDCap Update
Description of change: This is a routine REDCap update. REDCap will be offline during update.
Downtime window start: 09/07/2023 12:00 AM
Downtime window end: 09/07/2023 2:00 AM
Affected services: REDCap
End-user impact: REDCap will be unavailable during this time

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Email, Research Computing, Systems

[RESOLVED] Email Delivery Issues

FAU is currently experiencing issues with email delivery. OIT is currently investigating the issue and anticipates that these issues will be resolved shortly. Following the resolution to this issue users may experience delayed email delivery for any emails that were sent during the outage.

Posted in Email, Systems

Network Registration and Links.fau.edu

Links.fau.edu and Network registration are currently offline due to a service issue. We are investigating.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Educational Technologies, Email, Network and Telecom, Research Computing, Systems, Workday

New MYFAU design launches 7/31/23 4am-6am

UPDATE: Icons are now loading properly. Also, if you receive “Persona not found” in the MYFAU Mobile app, please select “Switch to the default persona”

UPDATE: Some icons are not loading properly and we are working to resolve as soon as possible. Also, if you receive “Persona not found” in the MYFAU Mobile app, please select “Switch to the default persona”


MYFAU will launch a redesign from 4am-6pm. During this time some pages may not load or show an error while we make the changes. Please clear your browsers cache if you experience an error after 6am. FAU | Clear Your Cache Also, if you have any bookmarks saved and the page is not properly loading, please visit https://myfau.fau.edu

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Educational Technologies, Email, Instructional Technologies, Systems, Uncategorized

OIT Systems Maintenance, Thurs. July 20 from 12:01AM to 7:00AM

Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 07/20/2023 from 12:01 AM to 7:00 AM during OIT maintenance window. In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted:

Change Office 365 Email Protection Settings
Description of change: OIT Security will be making a change to increase the security of Office 365 email. If you have any issues with receiving email please open a ticket with either OIT Security or OIT Systems.
Downtime window start: 07/20/2023 8:00 AM
Downtime window end: 07/20/2023 8:05 AM
Affected services: Office 365 Exchange email
End-user impact: Emails with a spam confidence level (SCL) of 8 or 9 will be quarantined instead of delivered to the junk folder. If you suspect an legitimate email has been quarantined, please contact the OIT Help Desk or submit a helpdesk ticket.

Server updates
Description of change: OIT will update servers to the latest update.
Downtime window start: 07/20/2023 12:00 AM
Downtime window end: 07/20/2023 3:00 AM
Affected services: Assessment, Crosswalk, GradeMan, gradrates, ServiceAwards, SoftLic, TechFee, wconline
End-user impact: Services listed will not be available during this time.

Server migration
Description of change: OIT will be migrating several systems to new hardware
Downtime window start: 07/20/2023 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 07/20/2023 4:00 AM
Affected services: DNS, DHCP, SSO, Networking config backup server
End-user impact: No end-user impact is expected

REDCap Update
Description of change: This is a routine REDCap update. Will be offline during update.
Downtime window start: 07/20/2023 12:00 AM
Downtime window end: 07/20/2023 2:00 AM
Affected services: REDCap
End-user impact: Service will be offline during update.

Posted in Email, Research Computing, Systems

Resolved – Microsoft Mail/Outlook Issues

*Update 4PM – Microsoft is rolling out the fix incrementally to affected users and anticipates most users will experience resolution by 5:00 PM Eastern.

Users may encounter an unexpected 500 error when accessing Outlook. Microsoft is aware of the issue and is working to resolve. We will post an update once they have completed remediation

thank you


Posted in Email

OIT System Maintenance, Thurs. June 8 from 12:01AM to 7:00AM

Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 06/08/2023 from 12:01 AM to 7:00 AM during OIT maintenance window. In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted:

Endpoint Security Change
Description of change: OIT will be implementing new safeguards for all endpoints.
Downtime window start: 06/08/2023 8:00 AM
Downtime window end: 06/08/2023 8:00 AM
Affected services: Domain joined Desktops and Laptops
End-user impact: No end-user impact is expected.

Configuration change for authentication system
Description of change: OIT will be making a configuration change to the systems that provide Windows authentication.
Downtime window start: 06/08/2023 5:00 AM
Downtime window end: 06/08/2023 5:05 AM
Affected services: Windows authentication
End-user impact: No end-user impact is expected.

BHRIC Domain Controller Maintenance
Description of change: Research Computing will be performing maintenance on the health.ad.fau.edu domain controllers.
Downtime window start: 06/08/2023 12:05 AM
Downtime window end: 06/08/2023 1:00 AM
Affected services: health domain
End-user impact: There should not be any impact to the end users during this change

Server Maintenance
Description of change: OIT will renew certs
Downtime window start: 06/08/2023 12:00 AM
Downtime window end: 06/08/2023 4:00 AM
Affected services: Any SSO Service
End-user impact: No end-user impact is expected.

Adding monitors to Global Traffic Manager
Description of change: OIT will be adding new monitors to the global traffic manager to make apps on certain clusters be more failover friendly.
Downtime window start: 06/08/2023 6:15 AM
Downtime window end: 06/08/2023 7:00 AM
Affected services: Services on the k8s cluster that are on the GTMs
End-user impact: No end-user impact is expected as no monitors will be removed until the new one returns green.

Load balancer rotation
Description of change: OIT will be changing the active load balancer.
Downtime window start: 06/08/2023 6:00 AM
Downtime window end: 06/08/2023 7:00 AM
Affected services: Any websites behind the load balancers, such as main fau website, banner.fau.edu, links, lmsapps, talon, owlres, egrades, papercut, myowl, appstatus and more.
End-user impact: We do not expect any end-user impact as the load balancer should fail over gracefully. In case there are issues, the sites behind the load balancers may not be accessible for a few seconds.

Cloud Native Upgrade
Description of change: The Office of Information Technology will be performing an upgrade to the Cloud Native Core in Boca.
Downtime window start: 06/08/2023 5:00 AM
Downtime window end: 06/08/2023 5:30 AM
Affected services: Management of Kubernetes clusters.
End-user impact: No end-user impact is expected.

Update Banner table
Description of change: OIT will make some changes in Banner to allow Registrar’s Office to updated holds.
Downtime window start: 06/08/2023 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 06/08/2023 3:30 AM
Affected services: Banner
End-user impact: No end-user impact is expected

Emmersion Spanish Placement Test Deployment
Description of change: OIT will apply some changes to improve access to the Emmersion Spanish placement test
Downtime window start: 06/08/2023 5:00 PM
Downtime window end: 06/08/2023 6:00 PM
Affected services: OwlDocs
End-user impact: No end-user impace is expected.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Email, Research Computing, Systems, Uncategorized

[Resolved] Outlook Web Access Error

We are experiencing an issue with Outlook Web Access. Microsoft is currently investigating and working to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Microsoft Service Status updates can be found here: https://portal.office.com/servicestatus

We will update this post when more details become available. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Posted in Email, Uncategorized