OIT Systems Maintenance, Thurs. Nov 9 from 12:01 AM to 7:00 AM

Office of Information Technology will be performing routine systems maintenance which includes but is not limited to rebooting Windows servers as deemed necessary, installing critical patches and other health checks on Thursday, 11/09/2023 from 12:01 AM to 7:00 AM during OIT maintenance window. In addition, the following systems will be specifically impacted:

SHS Server Maintenance
Description of change: Clockwork and ClockworkWeb will be down for maintenance.
Downtime window start: 11/08/2023 12:05 AM
Downtime window end: 11/08/2023 5:00 AM
Affected services: clockwork (SHS)
End-user impact:

Student Health server maintenance (CAPS and OHCP)
Description of change: Student health server will have maintenance done. This is for the servers for CAPS
Downtime window start: 11/08/2023 8:00 PM
Downtime window end: 11/09/2023 4:00 AM
Affected services: titanium for OHCP and shs-caps-web for CAPS
End-user impact: During this time Titanium web and caps-web will be off-line

Banner package installation and maintenance
Description of change: New package installation to accommodate CLT exams in Banner. RNL index posts are required for sending Admission Acceptance letters for the 2024-2025 year.
Downtime window start: 11/09/2023 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 11/09/2023 6:00 AM
Affected services: The Banner system will be up during the packages installation. Users will not be impacted.
End-user impact: No user impact expected.

Banner Admin Maintenance
Description of change: The Banner Admin client will be unavailable as maintenance and changes are performed to update the CleanAddress plugin.
Downtime window start: 11/09/2023 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 11/09/2023 5:00 AM
Affected services: Banner Admin
End-user impact: Staff users that utilize Banner Admin will not be able to access Banner Admin during this time.

REDcap server maintenance
Description of change: Research Computing will be performing maintenance on REDCap. During this time REDCap will not be available
Downtime window start: 11/09/2023 12:05 AM
Downtime window end: 11/09/2023 5:00 AM
Affected services: REDcap
End-user impact: During this time REDCap will be completely off line, so any users trying to get to REDCap will get a REDCap is down for maintenance. For some of the maintenance they will get a 404 page not found

Citrix license update
Description of change: This is an update the Citrix license file to reflect the most recent version. This is in preparation for the installation of the latest cumulative update for Citrix Apps and Desktops as required. The license file must be updated in order to install the CU.
Downtime window start: 11/09/2023 3:00 AM
Downtime window end: 11/09/2023 3:30 AM
Affected services: FAU Virtual Apps
End-user impact: Faculty, Students, Staff

Waive orientation hold for newly admitted NextEra & JM students
Description of change: The orientation holds for any NextEra & JM student (with attribution in Banner CPJM, CPJF) is automatically waived/not placed
Downtime window start: 11/09/2023 5:00 PM
Downtime window end: 11/09/2023 6:00 PM
Affected services: Banner
End-user impact: Any admitted student with the following attributes in Banner will be waived from orientation hold or not placed.

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Instructional Technologies, Research Computing, Systems

New Minimum Zoom Version

We want to inform you that the minimum Zoom Version supported will be 5.13.5. If your client does not update automatically, please download and install the latest updates to your Zoom desktop client. In addition, Zoom will no longer support clients below 5.13.5 on November 4th, 2023.

For instructions on how to update the Zoom client, check out Zoom’s video documentation.

3 Ways to update your Zoom Client

  • Open the Zoom client and click Update from the notification banner.
  • From your profile, click Check for Updates.
  • Go to zoom.us/download for updates.

Posted in Canvas / LMS, Educational Technologies, Instructional Technologies, Video Conferencing

AT&T Connectivity Issues to FAU

AT&T internet users are currently experiencing issues connecting to FAU. Other internet service providers that utilize AT&T connectivity may also be affected. As a result of these issues, some users will experience dropped traffic, slow-loading web pages, and other degradation of performance. We will provide an update when we have more information.

Posted in Canvas / LMS, Instructional Technologies, Network and Telecom

Mediasite Update

The vendor will be updating Mediasite to the latest release during the scheduled maintenance window on September 23, between 1:01 AM and 5:00 AM EDT. Extended downtime is not expected. However, Mediasite may be unavailable for brief periods during this time.

Posted in Canvas / LMS, Lecture Capture

Mediasite Update

Sonic Foundry will be updating Mediasite Video Cloud to the latest release during the scheduled maintenance window on August 27, between 1:01 AM and 5:00 AM EDT. Extended downtime is not expected. However, Mediasite may be unavailable for brief periods during this time.

Posted in Canvas / LMS, Lecture Capture

RESOLVED: Some Mediasite Catalog Presentations Unavailable

The issue preventing some users from accessing Mediasite Catalog presentations has been resolved.

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Posted in Canvas / LMS, Educational Technologies, Lecture Capture, Uncategorized

New MYFAU design launches 7/31/23 4am-6am

UPDATE: Icons are now loading properly. Also, if you receive “Persona not found” in the MYFAU Mobile app, please select “Switch to the default persona”

UPDATE: Some icons are not loading properly and we are working to resolve as soon as possible. Also, if you receive “Persona not found” in the MYFAU Mobile app, please select “Switch to the default persona”


MYFAU will launch a redesign from 4am-6pm. During this time some pages may not load or show an error while we make the changes. Please clear your browsers cache if you experience an error after 6am. FAU | Clear Your Cache Also, if you have any bookmarks saved and the page is not properly loading, please visit https://myfau.fau.edu

Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Educational Technologies, Email, Instructional Technologies, Systems, Uncategorized

[RESOLVED] Issues logging into uAchieve and Office Apps

We have identified and resolved these issues. Login to uAchieve and Office Apps has been resolved.


After our single sign on upgrade we have identified that users are receiving Access Denied when trying to access uachieve. We also have identified that logging into Office apps on Windows for the first time is giving a white screen. We recommend logging into Office apps via the web until we update this status.

The issue with logging into the library information systems has been resolved.

We are currently debugging and will update this post as we have a status.

We apologize for the inconvenience.


Posted in Banner and Admin Systems, Educational Technologies, Instructional Technologies, Systems, Uncategorized

Mandatory Zoom Client upgrade

Zoom has identified a vulnerability in Zoom Desktop Clients 5.15.0 (Windows/macOS), 5.15.1 (Windows), and certain other products (i.e., iOS, Android, Linux, Zoom Rooms, SDK) – primarily versions 5.15.0. Users on these versions will be prompted to update before they can join meetings and these versions will no longer be available for download.

Posted in Canvas / LMS, Educational Technologies, Instructional Technologies, Video Conferencing

[Resolved] Canvas users experiencing slowness with multiple features

This incident is resolved and all services are back to normal operation.

Posted in Canvas / LMS, Instructional Technologies
September 2024